I feel the HK is what the CP0 should have been
You can see Guernica dealing with Orochi and Kaido
The HK should have stayed a body guard order / police order for the CD
It is too blurry now
Oda put the CP0 in the toilets and put them aside quite quick
You can see Guernica dealing with Orochi and Kaido
The HK should have stayed a body guard order / police order for the CD
It is too blurry now
Oda put the CP0 in the toilets and put them aside quite quick
People who stay beyond CP0. people who are choosen by CD as strongest CD members.
Like when Teach wanted to face Dragon, it should be Holy Knights+CP0 who clashed with him.
CP0 is at best a high tier group, lot of strong members but don´t play any huge role against top beasts of the new world.
CP0 should just be a back up group who tag along the Holy Knights similar how rearadmirals/viceadmirals tag along Admirals.
In my opinion a Holy Knight should be with Guernica and the others during wano, also showing balls against Orochi and show him to act in his place. Scalingwise it doesn´t make sense, Kaido or not, the WG could crush them anytime.
That is Oda's problem, you have Holy Knights, Gorosei, CP0, entire Navy...
No yonkou can´fight it, even together they would lose in the end.
Holy knight power should be equal to a Yonkou crew, so it is clear that Garling was a high top tier.
I think Shamrock is around low-mid top tier.