End of Game New


The End and the Beginning

Inside the WIndowless Building

A man, hanging upside down in a tube-like machine, was talking into a computer screen. On the other side was a woman with hair that could only be described as "overflowing".

"Well Aleis-tan, I think we'll have to call this one a draw. Both my team and your motley crew pulled through! I think this calls for a celebration. Oh, but don't worry. I'll drink enough for you as well, and-"

Not wanting to hear the rest, the man in the testing tube shut off the connection. She was right though. Both SCHOOL and Necessarius had driven back GREMLIN, and even the Magic God Othinus was defeated. Still, there was one thing that remained on Board Chairman Aleister's mind.

If Othinus was attempting to ascend to Godhood, then it meant that, despite styling herself as a Magic God, she hadn't become a true Magic God. Othinus, of course, must have known this herself. She had merely stepped once behind the curtain, offered a mere peek into a entirely seperate territory no ordinary magician would cross into.

Let's say that there were actual Magic Gods out there. What, then, would they think about the events that had transpired. What if, instead of Othinus, who tried to reach their territory, they stepped down into the realm of humans?

What would they think about his [Temple]?

While this story had surely wrapped up, another one was just beginning. An ominous wind blew through Academy City, heralding the advent of the True GREMLIN.

To be continued...

Yoho, Othinus, a Lost Mafia Lich Evolving Magic God, was lynched

With no further threats in the game, the game has now ended.

2 members of SCHOOL (MangoSenpai & Pot Goblin) have survived the game, and as a result, Town (Science) are all victorious (all other living and dead members of Town (Science) also win).

3 members of Necessarius (York, AlwaysMind & Polar Bear) have survived the game, and as a result, Town (Magic) are all victorious (all other living and dead members of Town (Magic) also win).

Town (Science) and Town (Magic) have both achieved their win conditions, meaning the Town Protagonist (Naomi) has also won the game.

Fiamma of the Right (Random Asshole) failed to eliminate his targets (Vento of the Front, Kamijou Touma, Othinus) and has lost the game.
Vento of the Front (Dr. Watson) failed to outlive every member of Town (Science), and has lost the game.

The GREMLIN Mafia have failed to achieve the conditions for the ascension of Othinus, and have lost the game.

Thank you all for playing.

Game Roles New


The End and the Beginning
Frenda Seivelun

Town Vanilla
Town (Science) - Prevent the ascension of Othinus, and eliminate any further threats, while at least one member of SCHOOL survives the game
Vanilla - You have no active or passive abilities.

Power Level - Level 0
Affiliation - ITEM
Esper Name - Academy City Bomber
Side - Science


Town (Magic) Vanilla
Town (Magic) - Prevent the ascension of Othinus, and eliminate any further threats, while at least one member of Necessarius survives the game.
Vanilla - You have no active or passive abilities.

Power Level - None
Affiliation - British Royal Family
Magic Name - None
Side - Magic

Polar Bear
Himegami Aisa

Town (Magic) Limited Iron Rosario
Town (Magic) - Prevent the ascension of Othinus, and eliminate any further threats, while at least one member of Necessarius survives the game.
Limited Iron - You are immune to destructive effects from Magic-side characters with a power level of Magician.
Rosario - You will investigate as a Gemstone Esper.

Power Level - Magician
Affiliation - Necessarius
Magic Name - Deep Blood
Side - Magic

Kanzaki Kaori

Town (Magic) Guardian Locked Stigmata Duelist Vigilante
Town (Magic) - Prevent the ascension of Othinus, and eliminate any further threats, while at least one member of Necessarius survives the game.
Guardian - While you are alive, you will negate kills on Index Librorum Prohibitorum.
Locked - To use any ability listed below this, you must publicly declare your Magic Name (listed below) in the thread, while tagging me. Your Magic Name must be bolded. Failing to follow this format will result in your invocation being ignored.
Stigmata - Once you activate this, your power level will temporarily be raised to Angel. This effect lasts for two cycles. While active, your Guardian ability is disabled. Once the effect ends, you may not use Stigmata until two further cycles have passed. You may not activate Stigmata in conjunction with any other ability.
Duelist - Can only be activated while under the effect of Stigmata. You may activate this ability during the day. A duel will be called between yourself and a target of your choosing. Whomever has the most votes to win, will survive the duel. In the event of a tie, you will automatically win. This does not replace the lynch for the day. This ability can only be activated once per Stigmata duration.
Vigilante - Can only be activated under the effect of Stigmata, and only if you have not duelled anyone within this Stigmata period, and only once per Stigmata period. You target a player, killing them.

Power Level - Saint
Affiliation - Necessarius
Magic Name - Salvare000
Side - Magic

Pot Goblin
Yobou Banka

Town (Science) Vanilla
Town (Science) - Prevent the ascension of Othinus, and eliminate any further threats, while at least one member of SCHOOL survives the game
Vanilla - You have no active or passive abilities.

Power Level - Level 4
Affiliation - SCHOOL
Esper Power - Psychokinesis
Side - Science

The Orca
Yuzuriha Ringo

Town (Science) Loved
Town (Science) - Prevent the ascension of Othinus, and eliminate any further threats, while at least one member of SCHOOL survives the game
Loved - You require 1 extra vote beyond majority to be lynched.

Power Level - Level 2
Affiliation - SCHOOL
Esper Power - Telekinesis
Side - Science
Ghostface Killa
Shirai Kuroko

(Spatial Movement)

Town Commuter Esper Cop
Town (Science) - Prevent the ascension of Othinus, and eliminate any further threats, while at least one member of SCHOOL survives the game
Commuter - You may leave the game a Night, making yourself untargetable to abilities.
Esper Cop - You may target a player at Night. If that player is an Esper, you will learn their power level and, if applicable, their esper name/power. You cannot use this the same night that you're commuting.

Power Level - Level 4
Affiliation - Judgement
Esper Power - Teleporter
Side - Science

Ali v2

Town (Magic) Messenger
Town (Magic) - Prevent the ascension of Othinus, and eliminate any further threats, while at least one member of Necessarius survives the game.
Messenger - Once per Night, you may send a single message to a player of your choosing privately. You may opt in to allow a message to be sent back to you.

Power Level - Magician
Affiliation - New Light
Magic Name - None
Side - Magic

Alice Anotherbible

Town (Magic) Innocent Child Treestump
Town (Magic) - Prevent the ascension of Othinus, and eliminate any further threats, while at least one member of Necessarius survives the game.
Innocent Child - You may use this ability at any point in the game. Your alignment will be revealed to the thread. Your character will not be revealed, but will be hinted at.
Treestump - If you are killed or lynched, you may continue to post in the thread.

Power Level - Transcendent
Affiliation - Bridge Builders Cable
True Name - Alice Pleasance Liddell
Side - Magic

Kamijou Touma
Imagine Breaker

(Illusion Killer)
Town (Protagonist) Unstoppable Rolecrusher Lich
Town (Protagonist) - Prevent the ascension of Othinus, and eliminate any further threats, while at least one member of Necessarius and one member of SCHOOL survives the game.
Unstoppable Rolecrusher - You may target a player, and for the duration of the night that you target them, their passive and active abilities will be disabled. This ability is immune to failure, except Magic Gods will not have their passives negated.
Lich - Upon death, you will return to the game 1 cycle later. Upon your first death, your role will change. For the duration of the cycle in which you return, you will be unable to use your active abilities or vote.

Power Level - Level 0
Affiliation - Academy City
Esper Name - Imagine Breaker
Side - Science & Magic

Misaka Mikoto
(Electromagnetic Gun)

Town (Science) 3-Coin Vigilante
Town (Science) - Prevent the ascension of Othinus, and eliminate any further threats, while at least one member of SCHOOL survives the game
3-Coin Vigilante - You possess 3 coins. Each coin represents one Vigilante shot. You may use any number of coins during the Night Phase, but coins will not replenish after use. You may give a coin to anyone, but only in your hands can it be used as a Vigilante shot. Vigilante - Target a player at night, and kill them.

Power Level - Level 5
Affiliation - Academy City
Esper Name - Railgun
Side - Science

Sherry Cromwell

Town (Magic) Tracker Locked Bodyguard (Ellis)
Town (Magic) - Prevent the ascension of Othinus, and eliminate any further threats, while at least one member of Necessarius survives the game.
Tracker - You may investigate a player at night, learning who they targeted.
Locked - To use any ability listed below this, you must publicly declare your Magic Name (listed below) in the thread, while tagging me. Your Magic Name must be bolded. Failing to follow this format will result in your invocation being ignored.
Bodyguard (Ellis) - Summons Ellis, a Golem. You may place Ellis on a player at night. If that player is targeted with an otherwise successful kill, Ellis will perish in their place. If Ellis perishes, you will be unable to use this ability the following night, while he regenerates. You will be told if Ellis has perished.

Power Level - Magician
Affiliation - Necessarius
Magic Name - Intimus115
Side - Magic

Kakine Teitoku
Dark Matter
(Unknown Matter)

Town (Science) Noble Iron Inventor
Town (Science) - Prevent the ascension of Othinus, and eliminate any further threats, while at least one member of SCHOOL survives the game
Noble - Your vote counts as 2.
Iron - You are immune to destructive effects.
Inventor - Once per Night, you may create one of the following - Forensic Investigation (Target a player, and learn if they targeted a deceased player or not), Iron, Watcher, Vigilante. You must create one of everything before you can create the same thing again. You may opt to use these yourself, or gift them to another player to use. You may hold up to 1 created item at any given time. You may not create and use an item in the same night phase.

Power Level - Level 5
Affiliation - SCHOOL
Esper Name - Dark Matter
Side - Science

Index Librorum Prohibitorum

Town (Magic) Flavour Cop Locked Magic-side Redirector
Town (Magic) - Prevent the ascension of Othinus, and eliminate any further threats, while at least one member of Necessarius survives the game.
Flavour Cop - You can investigate a player at Night, and if that player is related to the Magic-side, you will be told their affiliation and power level. If your target is not on the Magic-side, you will be given the result "Unable to analyse".
Locked - To use any ability listed below this, you must publicly declare your Magic Name (listed below) in the thread, while tagging me. Your Magic Name must be bolded. Failing to follow this format will result in your invocation being ignored.
Magic-side Redirector - You may target a player, and change the targets of all actions they make at night, if any, to a target of your choosing.

Power Level - Magician
Affiliation - Necessarius
Magic Name - Dedicatus545
Side - Magic


Gokusai Kaibi
Measure Heart
(Mind Ruler)

Town (Science) Recursive Roleblocker
Town (Science) - Prevent the ascension of Othinus, and eliminate any further threats, while at least one member of SCHOOL survives the game
Recursive Roleblocker - Once per Night, you may target a player. If this is the first night that you are targeting them, you will be unaffected by any ability that they use. If this is the second time you're targeting them, you along with any remaining members of SCHOOL will be unaffected. If this is the third night, the entire Science-side Town will be unaffected by the user. After the third night resolves, you will no longer be affected by the target, even if you don't target them. If you target the player in subsequent nights, the ability will be the same as the 3rd night.

Power Level - Level 4
Affiliation - SCHOOL
Esper Name - Measure Heart
Side - Science

Random Asshole:
Fiamma of the Right

Savage Holy Right (Killer)
Savage - Using your ability, eliminate Vento, Othinus and Kamijou Touma.
Holy Right (Killer) - Once per Night, target a player to kill them. Your power level will be set according to your target. To increase your power level to Magic God+ in this fashion, you must first have visited the List of Prohibited Books. If your target is not one you have to kill, your power level will be set below theirs.

Power Level - God's Right Seat (None ~ Magic God+)
Affiliation - God's Right Seat
Magic Name - None
Side - Magic

Dr Watson:
Vento of the Front
Anti-Science Savage (Uriel) Conditional Killer
Anti-Science Savage - Your wincon is to outlive every Science-side player. If the game ends with a Science-side player alive, you will not win the game.
Uriel - If a Science-side player targets you, the ability will fail, and that player will receive a [Damnation Arts] counter. Once 3 Damnation Arts counters have been given, even if on the same player, you will be able to enact Divine Punishment. The following day, the writeup will announce that Divine Punishment is in effect. While in effect, any vote cast on you by a Science-side player will count for 0. This effect will last until all players with a Damnation Arts counter have been removed from the game. Players may not gain Damnation Arts counters while Divine Punishment is in effect, but you will retain your immunity to abilities from Science-side players.
Conditional Killer - Once per Night Phase, you may attempt to kill a player. If that player does not have a Damnation Arts counter, this ability will automatically fail. Players with a Power Level of Level 4 require 2 Damnation Counters to be affected, while players with a Power Level of Level 5 require 3 Damnation Counters to be affected.

Fake Claim - Sogita Gunha (Power Level - Level 5, Affiliation - Academy City)

You are told that there are two town win conditions - one for Science-side players, and one for Magic-side players. The Science-side win condition is "Prevent the ascension of Othinus, and eliminate any further threats, while at least one member of SCHOOL survives the game". You are not informed of the Magic-side wincon.

Power Level: God's Right Seat (Saint)
Affiliation: God's Right Seat
Magic Name: None
Side: Magic*
You are a group of Magicians, headed up by the Magic God, Othinus, after the events of WW3 threatened to tip the scales of the Magic/Science power balance. You are currently not aware of Othinus' identity, nor is she aware of yours, but she will learn yours at the start of Night 1. After half of your numbers have been lost, Othinus will be added to this chat. To win, Othinus must achieve her ascension to True Godhood. To achieve this, the below events must occur:

* At least one member of GREMLIN is alive after 6 cycles have passed. For every time Othinus' Lich is triggered, this condition will be delayed by one phase.
* Dark Matter is defeated, and his power is harvested by GREMLIN
* Imagine Breaker is defeated at least once by Gremlin
* God's Right Seat is defeated
* Index Librorum Prohibitorum is defeated
* The Aeon shifts, from Osiris to Horus (the method of completing this is currently unknown to you).

You have possession of a factional kill. If a player makes the factional kill, they cannot take any other action for that Night Phase. Each player alive must carry the factional kill in turn, before a player may use it again. Individually, you do not have roles, but you have the following abilities available that may be used once per Night Phase.

*Busdriver - Target two players. All actions affecting Player A will affect Player B, and all actions affecting Player B will affect Player A.
*Doctor - Target a player. That player will be immune to destructive effects for the Night Phase.
*Roleblocker - Target a player, preventing them from using their active abilities for the Night Phase.
*Watcher - Target a player, learning which player visits them that night, if any.
*Affiliation/Power Cop - Target a player, and receive either their Affiliation, Power Level or Power Type (Magic/Esper/Gemstone). Targeting the same player will always result in a new piece of information being investigated, for a total of three pieces of information.

The faction kill takes on different passives, depending on who carries the kill.

*If Thor carries the kill, the kill will be treated as Unstoppable (Immune to Failure).
*If Saronia A. Irivika carries the kill, the kill will be treated as Ninja (undetectable).
*If Marian Slingeneyer carries the kill, the kill will be Janitored (flip hidden, and role information shared with the Mafia).

If Othinus joins the Mafia chat, the modifiers above will be lost, and the need to carry the kill in turn will no longer be applied.

Role Distribution:

Flower - Thor (Power Level - Saint)
~UwU~ - Freyja (Power Level - Magician)
Charlie - Saronia A. Irivika (Power Level - Magician+)
Grammaton - Marian Slingeneyer (Power Level - Magician)

Fake Claims -

Mugino Shizuri
Town (Science)
Affiliation: ITEM
Power Level - Level 5
Esper Name - Meltdowner (Particle Destabiliser)

Stiyl Magnus
Town (Magic)
Affiliation: Necessarius
Power Level - Magician
Magic Name - Fortis931

Yumiya Rakko
Town (Science)
Affiliation: SCHOOL
Power Level - Level 0
Esper Name - Wave Conductor (Null)

Oriana Thompson
Town (Magic)
Affiliation: Necessarius
Power Level - Magician
Magic Name - Basis104

You are informed that, for most players with a Magic Name, a public declaration of their name is required to use certain abilities. This is formatted as "Locked (X)", where (X) is an ability that requires the Magic Name to be invoked to use. Invocations are done by typing the Magic Name in the game thread, tagging me the host, and bolding the message.

Win Conditions:

Town (Magic) - Prevent the ascension of Othinus, and eliminate any further threats, while at least one member of Necessarius survives the game.
Town (Science) - Prevent the ascension of Othinus, and eliminate any further threats, while at least one member of SCHOOL survives the game.

Extra Fakes (your own research will be required to fill in the further details):
Misaki Shokuhou
Brunhild Eiktobel
Tsuchimikado Maika
Agnese Sanctis
Orsola Aquinas

Lost Mafia Lich Evolving Magic God

Lost - You are currently unknown to your Mafia teammates. You will learn their identities at the start of Night 1. They will not be told who you are, but they will be informed that you will learn who they are at the start of Night 1. You may not communicate privately with your Mafia, until otherwise informed.
Mafia - Complete the ascension of Othinus, and remove any further threats to the new Aeon.
Lich - Upon death, you will return to the game after a 1 cycle cooldown. If, upon your death, a game-ending wincon is achieved, the game will still end.
Evolving Magic God - To complete your wincon, you must ascend to a true Magic God. To do this, the following must be achieved:

* At least one member of GREMLIN, including yourself, is alive after 6 cycles have passed. For every time your Lich is triggered, this condition will be delayed by one phase.
* Dark Matter is defeated, and his power is harvested by GREMLIN
* Imagine Breaker is defeated at least once by Gremlin
* God's Right Seat is defeated
* Index Librorum Prohibitorum is defeated
* The Aeon shifts, from Osiris to Horus (the method of completing this is currently unknown to you).

Once this has been completed, you and your Mafia will win the game. Over the course of the game, your role power will change.

Power Level: Magic God
Affiliation: GREMLIN
Magic Name: Odin
Side: Magic

Last edited:
Night Actions New


The End and the Beginning
I kinda stopped keeping track after a certain Night, so I haven't noted them down. I can and probably will piece the ones for later nights together, but here are what I have logged:

Flower faction kills (Unstoppable) Ghostface Killa. - success
Charlie Bus Drives Flower and Stargate. - success
UwU uses Doctor on Charlie. - success
Yo Tan Watches Yoho. - success, results no one targeted your target
Conditional Killer on Random Asshole - fail
Michelle kills Orca - success
Mango creates Vig
Ghostface Killa cops Fuji - receives Measure Heart, but is dead
Alexis tracks Orca - Receives "Your target went nowhere"
York cops Reloaded - Receives Unable to Analyse
Fuji targets Mango (x1)
Naomi targets Muugen

Night 2

Yo Tan Wa kills Polar Bear (janitor) - success, Fuji dies
UwU bus drives Polar Bear and Fuji
Charlie blocks AlwaysMind
Michelle kills RA - success
Mango kills Watson - Fails
Watson kills Alexis - Fails
York cops Charlie - receives gremlin, Magician+
Alexis tracks Yoho - receives no one
Naomi blocks Mango

Night 3

Mango creates Watcher
Watson attempts to kill Stargate
UwU attempts to kill York
Mango and Reloaded are busdriven
Michelle attempts to kill Alexis
Alexis tracks Reloaded
York investigates Michelle
Naomi blocks Alexis

Kill on Stargate fails
Alexis dies
Failed Kill on York
Conditions and Mechanics New


The End and the Beginning
*Touma's evolution gives him precognition, letting him dodge the first successful on him per night. If SCHOOL or Neceessarius are wiped, he either loses the path to it, or loses the ability, and becomes the last survivng member of that faction. If he's killed again after that point, the faction, and by extention him, will lose. If GREMLIN haven't killed him once by then, which I didn't really anticipate happening, they'd lose the next cycles kill to tick the box.

*Othinus joins the mafia chat after two gremlin members die. If a 3rd that isn't her dies, she can pick one of the factional abilities to attach to her role, and the kill no longer needs to be cycled. If she's the last one alive, she can pick a second factional ability to attach to her role. She can use all of her abilities that she posseses in the same night. (note, this was a botch, because I originally told Mafia that they lost the need to cycle once Yoho joined the chat, when they were supposed to lose it after one of their own died. I went with what I originally told them for the actual processing of the game)

The Aeon Shift is triggered if one of the following conditions occur:
[The Almighty]
Thor is the last surviving member of GREMLIN, and Magic God Othinus has died and flipped at least once (and is currently dead). Thor gains [World Rotator], allowing him to forcibly redirect all actions towards him. In doing so, Thor raises his power level to Saint+. If Thor successfully survives one night phase, the Aeon will shift.

Magic God Othinus is the last surviving member of GREMLIN. She is responsible for having killed Kamijou Touma at least once, and having killed Index Librorum Prohibitorum. After this has been fulfilled, the Aeon will shift.

[Goddess of Battle]
By the end of Cycle 6, Freyja has the highest kill count amongst GREMLIN. This total must be greater than (not equal to) 1. At the start of Cycle 7, the Aeon shifts. Freyja's power level raises to Saint.

[The Melancholy of Misaka Mikoto]
Mikoto kills both Shirai Kuroko and Kamijou Touma. After this is fulfilled, the Aeon will shift.

[Lost in Magic]
Shirai Kuroko never investigates an Esper. If, by the end of Cycle 5, Kuroko has not investigated a single Esper, the Aeon will shift.

[Lost in Technology]
Index Librorum Prohibitorum never investigates a Magician. If, by the end of Cycle 5, Index has not investigated a single Magician, the Aeon will shift.

[Side Girl's Misfortune]
Both Misaka Mikoto and Kaori Kanzaki are killed, lynched, or otherwise eliminated. After this condition is fulfilled, the Aeon will shift.

[Dark Side Disaster]
Using his power, Kakine kills a member of SCHOOL. After doing so, the Aeon will shift.

Under her Stigmata, Kaori Kanzaki kills Index Librorum Prohibitorum. After successfully doing so, the Aeon will shift.

[One God Army] - LOCKED
Only unlocks once all other conditions are not possible at any one time. The Aeon shifts if Magic God Othinus is one of the final 2 players in the game.

GREMLIN are told two per cycle starting Day 4.

*If Misaka Mikoto gives Shirai Kuroko a coin, they will join a Masonry together.

*Touma is immune to his own ability.

*If Index attempts to investigate Othinus, she will receive "Unable to Analyse"

*If the final SCHOOL member is killed or otherwise removed from the game, Touma will become the last member of SCHOOL. If this happens, he will lose Precognition if he has already unlocked it, and if he hasn't, he will no longer be able to obtain it.

*If the final Necessarius member is killed or otherwise removed from the game, Touma will become the last member of Necessarius. If this happens, he will lose Precognition if he has already unlocked it, and if he hasn't, he will no longer be able to obtain it.

*If both SCHOOL and Necessarius are wiped out in the same phase, Touma will join neither, and lose the game outright with the rest of the Town.

*If all members of SCHOOL are removed from the game, the Town (Science) will automatically lose, and every remaining player with that alignment will leave the game.

*If all members of Necessarius are removed from the game, the Town (Magic) will automatically lose, and every remaining player with that alignment will leave the game.

*At game start, the members of SCHOOL are Kakine (Mango), Kaibi (Fuji), Ringo (Orca) and Youbou (Pot Goblin). The members of Necessarius are Index (York), Kanzaki (AlwaysMind), Sherry (Alexis) and Himegami (Polar Bear).

*Kanzaki will automatically protect Index as long as her Stigmata is not active. This protect is treated as an action, and can be blocked, but the protect will not be affected by busdrives or any other form of redirection, due to that making it no longer a valid target. Kanzaki's protect is treated as Saint, for power level resolution.