I feel like in the short/medium term, nah. It feels like everything is set up for Luffy/Zoro/Nami and the Gods Knights to avoid each other right now- like the protag trio goes down to the underworld with the key and see what happened to Loki, while they barely miss the Gods Knights who ended up going up to the Sun realm. This, while also being realistic with the time it'd take to find the key and then go down to the Underworld, keeps the conflict from escalating to a direct major fight too early into an arc, and also keeps the tension incredibly high in both locations- then the story can use that tension, and resulting week to week buy-in from the reader, to keep us in our seats for a longer term story. This also avoids Oda throwing everything he has at us in under 30 chapters. Even if the specific details are wrong here, I think the general idea that these 2 groups will avoid each other for a while will end up being true.
but tbh i wouldn't rule it out later down the line, I have my own theories as to who Zoro will fight, but I think him vs Shamrock makes sense and would be a very entertaining/cool fight.
It's also possible they clash but don't have a major fight too, since Zoro has plenty of that these days- Fuji in Dressrosa, Kyoshiro in Wano, S-Hawk and Vnusjuro in Egghead. Plus, this could also throw out all my logic about avoiding a larger conflict too, so who knows
but tbh i wouldn't rule it out later down the line, I have my own theories as to who Zoro will fight, but I think him vs Shamrock makes sense and would be a very entertaining/cool fight.
It's also possible they clash but don't have a major fight too, since Zoro has plenty of that these days- Fuji in Dressrosa, Kyoshiro in Wano, S-Hawk and Vnusjuro in Egghead. Plus, this could also throw out all my logic about avoiding a larger conflict too, so who knows