Legitimate question for you guys: Is Saint Shanks stronger than Shamrock? And if so, why exactly?
@Kurozumi Wiwi @MarineHQ @comrade no trolling please.
I see no reason for him to be weaker than Saint Shanks.
-Saint Shanks and Shamrock are twins, genetically they are basically the same human and thus should have likely inherited the same Haki. You can argue maybe Shamrock doesn’t have future sight or AdCoA which require training, but his CoC should absolutely be the same as Saint Shanks’s or at least similar.
-Shamrock as an active Holy Knight should train. Saint Shanks doesn’t really train at all, he mostly drinks and parties.
-Shamrock isn’t a cripple
-Even if you argue Saint Shanks who utilizes Roger’s fighting style is a more skilled fighter than Shamrock, Shamrock has a sword with a mythical Zoan fruit.
Seriously I can’t see any logical reason for Saint Shanks being stronger than Shamrock other than Saint Shanks just being Oda’s favorite character lol.