“Mankind overtaken by desire” sounds to me like an Adam and Eve sin parallel. “Touched upon the forbidden sun” = forbidden fruit in the Bible
The enslaved prayed, did they get punished for this by IMU (or whoever was before him) since he was/is the god of earth?
The sun god appears (nika), imu/descendant gets upset at this
“Together with the serpent of hell flame, they engulfed the world in darkness” this part is a bit confusing because it doesn’t specify if Nika teamed up with this serpent of hell flame or imu teamed up with this serpent of hell flame and engulfed the world in darkness. All I know for sure is that darkness in today’s world is Blackbeard
Second world
The deity of forests dispatched demons, the sun (joy boy) did nothing but spread seeds of war. In this one the sun gets slayed and people become gods (the celestial dragons)
Does that mean that imu/and or descendant LOST the first war but won the second?
In the third world, the troubled shadows remembered so that’s basically the D clan who lost the 2nd war. The sun will return (luffy)
Tldr how I’m interpreting this is the earth sinned, imu/descendent punishes them for sinning as he should, nika’s evil ass comes down and jumps imu to defeat him, second war happens and imu kicks their ass this time, the celestial dragons now become gods after killing joy boy, now luffy is back to kick their ass
From what it sounds like celestial dragons weren’t in the wrong they just lost the plot along the way. Luffy is actually evil and he’s fighting on the “wrong” side
Luffy = sun
Earth = imu
Blackbeard = serpent of darkness
Rain god = dragon
Deity of forest = I’m kinda liking the chopper forest god theories rn but this one’s up in the air