If you think about it, Akainu might actually be the least broken. Imagine Aokiji with absolute zero temperatures or Fujitora with his gravity, which is arguably as broken as light.
Oda doesn’t care about broken abilities when you have beings who can regenerate infinitely and Luffy, who awakened a god-tier Devil Fruit.
Oda doesn’t care about broken abilities when you have beings who can regenerate infinitely and Luffy, who awakened a god-tier Devil Fruit.
If Gaban toys with Zoro and Luffy simultaneously, this is the perfect catastrophic L that both Yonko and Zolo fans can roll around in the mud together with
Imagine a Yonko and a Yonko first mate getting fucking humiliated 2v1 against a character weaker than old Garp
Imagine a Yonko and a Yonko first mate getting fucking humiliated 2v1 against a character weaker than old Garp