Powers & Abilities Gaban will neg G4 Luffy first

Kizaru acknowledging Luffy as ‘the man who defeated Kaido’ isn’t proof that Luffy was using ACoC against him. Recognition and experience are two separate things. Kizaru is simply acknowledging Luffy’s status, not saying he was fighting a Kaido-level Luffy in that moment.

Case in point: do you believe that Kaido would be overwhelmed so easily by Kizaru?

If your answer is no, then interpreting Kizaru's statement as him saying this is literally the power that defeated Kaido doesn't make sense because it's not a power that could defeat Kaido in the first place.

A character can simply recognise someone's strength - after one punch from post-Udon Luffy, Kaido started comparing Luffy to every top-tier who ever gave him an ass whooping. Doesn't mean he was anywhere near them, it just means Kaido could acknowledge his strength.

Furthermore, the art style for ACoC has not changed. It's still the same thick black lightning upon impact, as we saw Zoro's black lightning when he struck Lucci or clashed with Venus, yet no such thick black lightning was shown when he clashed with Kaku or struck S-Hawk.
It is present in some clashes but it doesn't seem like Oda makes it constant anymore.
Acoc is clearly not always draw you guys are just using dumb excuses . Gears ? Sure they take some tolls on luffy so he don't spam them, but acoc ? He use this in his sleep so Oda see no point always drawing it in every single punch as he should .
Luffy is constantly using acoc in his attacks thats the only logical thing in this manga since there is 0 downside for it . Be logical .
Oda dont have to draw huge lightings each freaking time he evne modified his way of drawing to make it faster you think he give a shit about that ? He will use it on some pannels that he want to look cool thats it .
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B-b-but ACoC! is a meme at this point
It is and a ridiculous one .
I hope Luffy fights him in base to show his Observation against Gaban’s, it seems Zoro is sidelined here because if he attacked seriously he would cut the key

I would really like it if Zoro went for it with just his hands and no swords
yes he did just like zoro was using acoc vs king and king was still blocking his attacks
if I remember correctly, King parried Zoro's attacks because he feared that he would resort to ACoC, because he couldn't know when Zoro would choose to do it.
But it was still a short exchange and King, like Zoro, was now at his limit and it is likely that his gimmick defense was starting to falter.
In any case, Zoro himself at a certain point was surprised by the fact that King parried his attacks, probably even those without ACoC, but this can be explained simply by the fact that King had begun to fear the latent potential of Zoro's attacks and that he could have activated himself at any moment finding King unprepared.
I believe that even against in Lucci vs Zoro, Zoro resorted to ACoC initially, as we can see from the flames around his swords, but then went back to using lower haki.
Like Luffy, Zoro is also not yet able to manage the ACoC in the long term, and at any moment, this could still be too expensive for them, and this leads both of them to often resort to lower level skills so as not to risk exhausting themselves quickly and even risking defeat.
I am definitely looking forward to Zoro jumping in and Gaban confidently using the key to block, Zoro hits the brakes to avoid cutting it and then gets swatted
Which G4 and which Kaido? Hybrid/Awakened? Kaido literally only ate 1 Boundman attack. We've never seen him clash evenly with Boundman even with ACoA.
Why would he need to clash evenly with g4 when he can beat g4 at any time?
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yes he did just like zoro was using acoc vs king and king was still blocking his attacks
Show me Luffy using CoC vs Kizaru or Lucci in the whole fight bar wsg
Why would he need to clash evenly with g4 when he can beat g4 at any time?
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His point was that Luffy going into Gear 4 gave him no advantage, which is pointless considering Luffy threw it all behind Boundman at the end.

Anyhow, we saw Luffy mastering Gear 4, in that he doesn't need to fully transform. This is Oda saying he will use it and adapt it
