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How do you rank the following characters?
DR Luffy
DR Law
WCI Luffy
As far as I am aware, the YC1 is used mostly or was coined for Kata level, YC2 for Queen and YC3 for Jack/Cracker. If Doffy does to DR Law what he did and if you say that DR Law is YC2 (Queen level) then Doffy must be YC1+ at the very least. But DR Luffy is stronger (or even for Law wanking sake lets say equal) than DR Law so Doffy fought two YC2 level and almost beat them. So Doffy is almost beating 2 Queens?. The problem then becomes if DR Luffy is YC2 (equal to DR Law) then why the fuck is he unable to beat a YC3 (Cracker) even though he is fighting him for 8-11 hrs (I dont remember the exact duration) while the YC3 is getting hard countered by Nami who is nullifying his DF ability?
DR Luffy = YC2.
DR Law = YC2.
DR Doffy = YC+
Doffy literally states Law is not being his usual self, plus he knows all of Law’s abilities. That was a fight stacked up against Law
Luffy fought a gimped Doffy. Before GK he was outclassed and afterwards he was keeping up with doffy in base. There’s a reason why Oda had Luffy point out the damage Law gave Doffy
Cracker is a nightmare matchup for raw brawlers like Luffy. Cracker makes easy work of Jack too and could probably beat Queen, but you don’t see me putting him above YC3.
Law’s hax and strategies make easier work out of dumb brawlers like Jack, and abilities such as as scan give Law the ability to shambles Cracker and deal an easy one shot on them
The YC3-YC2 range is susceptible to matchup advantages a disadvantages. To rank characters on a simple “who does better scale” is silly