mosa seemed like a weak old person. possibly female.
at least to me.
Loki says some stuff like how he'd have protected mosa had he been there or something. Why would gaban need protection?
Mosa may be based perhaps on the wife of the "real" Loki, Sigyn.
In the myths, when the gods chained him under a venomous serpent until Ragnarok for his part in Baldr's death, Sigyn was the one to stay by Loki's side.
She held a bowl above Loki's face, collecting the venom that dripped from the serpent's fang and shielding his eyes which were directly beneath.
But from time to time, Sigyn would leave to empty the bowl, and then Loki would be left unprotected, with nothing to save him from the venom dripping into his eyes.
Which incidentally may account for his facial bandages.