Current Events Current GK matchups (1140 spoilers)

Luffy v Garling (climax)
Loki v Shamrock (climax)
Loki v Gunko (neg diff - Loki hype tool fight)
*Gunko gets negg’d and escapes back to Mariejoa to bring back the two above
Gillingham & Summers v Dorry & Broggy (hype tool fight for the god knights)
Loki v Cerberus - (neg diff - potential matchup if Loki’s a fenrir zoan. Don’t think Oda will miss out on the chance of drawing this)
Sanji v Gillingham
Zoro v Summers
Ussop v Somebody (for his own sake 💀)
Sanji v Gunko (Oda will have to disable Sanji somehow till Luffy & Zoro get back 😭). Hope not but Oda needs to nerf him somehow
Luffy v Garling (climax)
Loki v Shamrock (climax)
Loki v Gunko (neg diff - Loki hype tool fight)
*Gunko gets negg’d and escapes back to Mariejoa to bring back the two above
Gillingham & Summers v Dorry & Broggy (hype tool fight for the god knights)
Loki v Cerberus - (neg diff - potential matchup if Loki’s a fenrir zoan. Don’t think Oda will miss out on the chance of drawing this)
Sanji v Gillingham
Zoro v Summers
Ussop v Somebody (for his own sake 💀)
Sanji v Gunko (Oda will have to disable Sanji somehow till Luffy & Zoro get back 😭). Hope not but Oda needs to nerf him somehow
I think this is probably pretty close
Sanji will likely fight all 3 of these GK currently after they beat up Robin, Chopper, Franky, Gerd, Bonney, Lilith, and try to take the kids. He will be able to put up a fight but Gunko will either put him down or she will fall in love with him because of his chivalry and get the other two out of there with maybe Bonney and some kids or just Bonney and Colon, or maybe even Robin since she is so desirable.


The Rogue Prince
Zoro clashed with two Yonko, an Elder Venus and a old legendary top tier in the last arcs lmao.
The two clowns introduced this chapter aren't Zoro opponents by any stretch... that's gonna end up like Tobi Roppo v. Zoro or Vice Admirals v. Zoro agendas in the past few arcs.

If there's a God's Knight capable of fighting Zoro aside from Figarland Shamrock, he will stand out like Beckman does in the Red Hair pirates & be a CoC user.
Zoro clashed with two Yonko, an Elder Venus and a old legendary top tier in the last arcs lmao.
The two clowns introduced this chapter aren't Zoro opponents by any stretch... that's gonna end up like Tobi Roppo v. Zoro or Vice Admirals v. Zoro agendas in the past few arcs.

If there's a God's Knight capable of fighting Zoro aside from Figarland Shamrock, he will stand out like Beckman does in the Red Hair pirates & be a CoC user.
Not that I don’t get what you’re saying & not tryna sleep on Zoro either but same Zoro that fought Pica on DR clashed with Fujitora briefly. Zoro also tangoing with Kaido & Linlin on the roof top alongside the Supernova still ended up fighting King. So don’t really think a clash with Venus or a brief encounter with Gaban has any bearing on him fighting against the Holy Knights tbh. Question is whether it’d be a high diff+ fight imo. Personally not really getting that vibe from this arc tbh but could be wrong.

Gotta see the actual level of the Holy Knights introduced but doubt they’d be outright fodder as they’re being built up as arc antagonists.

Also with regards to CoC using opponent, he will definitely get one at some point but reckon it’d be either Mihawk or a proper fight against Venus. Something with the WSS title on the line I reckon.
Zoro's main opponent has never been introduced later than 20 chapters into an arc.

So Saint Summers will likely be Zoro's opponent & Kirigin will be Sanji's eventually as they were introduced together.

Summer looks to be highly decorated. Given his age, he could be somewhat of an old legend of the holy knights. Oda often makes Zoro's opponent special in some way. He carries a thorned blade.
No they didn’t lmao. Goofy didn’t even defeat Saturn 1v1

Sanji and Jinbei can take Kirin 2v1. Gunko stomps all those girls combined
Luffy man handled Saturn, he just couldnt understand his regen haxx to make him stay down. Even did Saturn and Kizaru at the same time while trying to protect everyone including Vegapunk. That was way different than Sanji, Bonney, Kuma and who else managed, those guys got their butts properly whooped.

Absolutely no way Gunko takes out Bonney, Robin, Lilith, Nami together. Look at her frame. She can dish a couple of attacks out but can't take it, like most females in OP. Robin snaps her in two with ease, Nami utterly destroys her with Zeus, Bonney makes her 90 years old and crippled, Lilith does whatever.

Zoro clashed with two Yonko, an Elder Venus and a old legendary top tier in the last arcs lmao.
The two clowns introduced this chapter aren't Zoro opponents by any stretch... that's gonna end up like Tobi Roppo v. Zoro or Vice Admirals v. Zoro agendas in the past few arcs.

If there's a God's Knight capable of fighting Zoro aside from Figarland Shamrock, he will stand out like Beckman does in the Red Hair pirates & be a CoC user.
This man gets it. They are likely not weak by any means but there are levels, mid diff and over as soon as Zoro gets serious and decides to end the fight no bandana style. Shamrock on the other hand and the presumed Beckman of HK is another thing, proper Luffy/Zoro opponents.
Dorry and Brogy have 1.8 billion bounties
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Here, fact check yourself.

Even CP0 is standing there saying the admirals can’t fight seriously and are “handicapped” against the RAs when they would “normally destroy the entire place” because they are fighting in Mariejoa. At no point did they stand any real chance and even with a canon handicap statement they ended up being helped by Fujitora against Greenbull alone.

Your takes are normally not so bad but
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Did you even read the statement?

The revolutionaries are putting up a GOOD fight, handicap or not

Revs did well against held back Admirals who can't make use of their full DF powers. And yet the same broccoli we saw was cleaning Scabbards and base GB wiped the shit off of two YCs

Fuji dropping meteors is his literal bag. He did the same shit in Dressrosa, it is how he fights and he was compelled enough to use that

Revs put up a good fight. This is canon

Luffy man handled Saturn, he just couldnt understand his regen haxx to make him stay down. Even did Saturn and Kizaru at the same time while trying to protect everyone including Vegapunk. That was way different than Sanji, Bonney, Kuma and who else managed, those guys got their butts properly whooped.

Absolutely no way Gunko takes out Bonney, Robin, Lilith, Nami together. Look at her frame. She can dish a couple of attacks out but can't take it, like most females in OP. Robin snaps her in two with ease, Nami utterly destroys her with Zeus, Bonney makes her 90 years old and crippled, Lilith does whatever.
So basically Goofy couldn't beat a Gorosei at all. Got it

"Look at her frame" LMAO design scaling now? Robin, Lilith, and Nami frames get choke-diffed by her monster-killing arrows at the twirl of her fingers thru feats alone
I don't think the stronger gods knights (i.e. Shamrocks and the remaining unrevealed members) will fight the straw hats, at least not for now- maybe Gunko/Summrs/Qilingham will fight the stronger SHs here at some point, but 0% chance they have a real fight vs a weak SH imo.

Also the fact that Shamrock is being called back to the Holy Land, because of the food provisions, means that he's likely being reassigned to a mission against the Revs, since the siege by the Revs is what's causing the food shortage to begin with, and Dragon said that the Gods Knights mobilizing to fight the Revs will happen when the food shortage gets bad enough.

And people should stop design/aura scaling in this series man. Queen was Kaido's 2nd strongest soldier and had a wayyy more goofy design and personality than a lot of the people below him. Oda will literally just throw in an unserious character design because he thinks it's funny or entertaining, it doesn't determine how strong that character is. And with Gods Knights, there's not that many of them and they're late game reveals, they're gonna be strong on average
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Lmao they are not going to be defeated in any case it will be a clash like seraphims and gorosei
Reminder they are reserved for revos in the last fight
Luffy v Garling (climax)
Loki v Shamrock (climax)
Loki v Gunko (neg diff - Loki hype tool fight)
*Gunko gets negg’d and escapes back to Mariejoa to bring back the two above
Gillingham & Summers v Dorry & Broggy (hype tool fight for the god knights)
Loki v Cerberus - (neg diff - potential matchup if Loki’s a fenrir zoan. Don’t think Oda will miss out on the chance of drawing this)
Sanji v Gillingham
Zoro v Summers
Ussop v Somebody (for his own sake 💀)
Sanji v Gunko (Oda will have to disable Sanji somehow till Luffy & Zoro get back 😭). Hope not but Oda needs to nerf him somehow
Im kinda suprised how im the only one (at least the one i see) that even considers a gunk vs usopp match up, given that she fits perfectly in the perona and sugar profile
I honestly don't think anyone other than the stronger out of the 2 (Qilingham/Sommers) is being taken down this arc. And the stronger one gets beaten by Usopp since this is his arc. The rest are all revs opponents

Queen Gunko isn't going down so soon:neesama:
Im kinda suprised how im the only one (at least the one i see) that even considers a gunk vs usopp match up, given that she fits perfectly in the perona and sugar profile
Personally can’t see it coz I feel her abilities would be a bit too much for him. He’s neither fast enough or durable enough to withstand her arrows.
I personally think she’d be Loki’s victim coz there’s history there & she would be a good hype tool for him. Get why you’d want Usopp to get a matchup like that though ^^
Personally I’m leaning towards a potential traitor on Elbaf being his opponent (if he does get one 💀)
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Petsomallt can’t see it coz I feel her abilities would be a bit too much for him. He’s neither fast enough or durable enough to withstand her arrows.
I personally think she’d be Loki’s victim coz there’s history there & she would be a good hype tool for him. Get why you’d want Usopp to get a matchup like that though ^^
Personally I’m leaning towards a potential traitor on Elbaf being his opponent (if he does get one 💀)
Usopp never beats by strength tho, and i thought her blushing by the HK being in boxers, while she is running in panties, already indicated that she has personally quirk to exploit

And its not like saying this MUST happen, i was just wondering why no one considering this and maybe im tripping
Zoro clashed with two Yonko, an Elder Venus and a old legendary top tier in the last arcs lmao.
The two clowns introduced this chapter aren't Zoro opponents by any stretch... that's gonna end up like Tobi Roppo v. Zoro or Vice Admirals v. Zoro agendas in the past few arcs.

If there's a God's Knight capable of fighting Zoro aside from Figarland Shamrock, he will stand out like Beckman does in the Red Hair pirates & be a CoC user.
Sommer is still from Ju peter family, don't sleep on power creep. I think people have not good ideas of how much power creep Is present in one piece.
Zoro clashed with two Yonko, an Elder Venus and a old legendary top tier in the last arcs lmao.
The two clowns introduced this chapter aren't Zoro opponents by any stretch... that's gonna end up like Tobi Roppo v. Zoro or Vice Admirals v. Zoro agendas in the past few arcs.

If there's a God's Knight capable of fighting Zoro aside from Figarland Shamrock, he will stand out like Beckman does in the Red Hair pirates & be a CoC user.
That's only if Oda wants to draw a serious fight...He could very well give him another Lucci fight,where he doesn't do shit until it is time to move him from point 1 to point 2..
Usopp never beats by strength tho, and i thought her blushing by the HK being in boxers, while she is running in panties, already indicated that she has personally quirk to exploit

And its not like saying this MUST happen, i was just wondering why no one considering this and maybe im tripping
Nah don’t think you are ^^.
its normal to expect Usopp to have some sort of focus on Elbaf or at least that was the expectation from the very moment we knew the SHs would visit. Just think folks have lost hope in him lol
I think anyone who believes in power creep is a bit mentally slow and I dont take them seriously, sorry.
I think the same for those who believe Vergo beats Ulti or who don't realize that random NW pirates did better than mugi against pacifistas.

Or how Sanji BEFORE genes power up fought Queen, peros, king while the Sanji of previous arc got destroyed by Mingo.
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Sommer will put Lucci to shame.