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This shit isn't in even in the top 3 most brutal things that happened to Usopp pre ts
Remember when Miss Merry Christmas (or what ever the ugly mole woman was named) straight up drove him through stone walls and fucked him up with bombs and all that?
And yet Usopp stayed with the crew when he always had a choice of just going back home and laying pipe on Kaya
His loyalty is admirable :yodaswag:
Kaya being single by the time Usopp comes back truly proves this is a work of fantasy fiction more than Devil Fruits do.
mediocre transitional chapter. The Adam tree bit better be related to abyss or shits. Usopp and Jorul talking abt older women...why do we care again? but i'll tolerate these fillers cuz LOKI IS FREEEEE:finally: i thought it's gonna take 3 more chapters. HE BETTER BEAT GOONKO'S BITCH ASS real quick! Shamrock's too, but his ass is save for now cuz pop's senses was tingling in the holy land. He knew he bout to lose another son if he doesnt come up with something:MonkeWhat:
FS, best CoO range so far in the series, great versatility and adaptability even against a hard counter such as Luffy, and Luffy wasn't only capable of hurting him without haki, he had complete immunity to his lightning, something just haki coating wouldn't achieve. He was at most two shotting resilient characters with his weaker techniques. He was destroying countries. He was powering some sort of Ancient Weapon replica that would normally only operate with lost ancient power sources.

:stealthblack: Grant him strong CoA, Oda, and let him loose.
Enel was and is still the scariest villain in the entire series. The dude has so much aura, Oda had to send him off planet to limit him.
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