Super Role Madness DragonBall Mafia

I was not in a Digimon game unfortunately, but yeah that ban seems warranted lmao
It happened twice. First I role copped Soul (I was a hostile Indie), then Fuji scanned me through immunities. Both Soul and me got nuked. Then I subbed back. Then scum rekt Town just for me to win as a Jester, Blue to win as a Savage and Ekko to cuck scum from winning and winning as a Serial. Fun game.
2: Third Eye Gomah-Mafia Exclusive

Majin Duu was activated to cult ???
vegeta get culted??? :suresure:
he prob got culted

Could be but i don't think Ariess' would reveal it like that. And purple is mafia color. Cult is pink i think
Buu is the light red color, vegeta is purple which is mafia so it's not a cult here
It's the early version of vegeta which was an antagonist


No dude... that's a bike...!!
That's fine, you still are struggling to give a real reason where your initial suspicion and vote came from, even though I asked for your reasons. I think you're shifty this game.
thought your yoho direction was meh and didn't remember anything else from you.

my vote on you came after you voted melkor because i thought your yoho > melkor progression was lackluster and you aren't engaging with the meat of what was happening in thread. i didn't reiterate my reasons when you and fuji asked and waited quietly until you finish your read back, and you still didn't touch on what i was looking for. then i looked back to read more about ur case on melkor and found out that it had alot of overselling.