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Yes, have you seen my theory thread on why ACoC stopped being spammed?
No, I haven't but after the recent chapter i think there should be a fine line drawn between Acoc and Acoa.... I lean toward that it being Acoa too.

It seems like people don't go beyond just judging black lighting and its thickness...when it could most definitely mean tremendous amount of concentrated armament being used.

I Think no black lighting even thick like Gabban's should be considered Acoc until or unless it solidified and the appropriate attention is given to it by, for instance in Gabban's case, by luffy who just notes to it being just Haki nothing over the top. Even in Kizaru's case...he didn't react much to Luffy's Aramaki did towards Yamato's Haki.
WTF is six months lmao? It was 18 chapters from which 9 chapters were flashback, 2 chapters were people falling.

In canon it was 5 minutes max.
And if Luffy vs Lucci lasted only 30 seconds then it means Luffy can only use Gear 5th for 30 seconds before turning into this

The More you luffy bitch boys talk, the more pathetic Luffy looks lmao

It took Lucci 30 seconds to give Luffy asthma and put him on retirement bed :zosleepy::zosleepy:
Dude, delete this. Luffys health issues aren´t a joke. Not only was his country full of pollution when it was almost burnt down, he had no parents to ever take him to the doctor, as his father abandoned him and his grandfather only stopped by to try to kill him. Then, he was turned into a child soldier by a terrorist organization that drugged him(The revolutionary army). Now, 2 years later he was possessed by an evil demon called Nika, that is hurting his body a lot....
Killer in Wano >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Axe Hand Morgan

Bro thought he was on to something :milaugh::milaugh::milaugh::milaugh:
Doesn't matter in the slightest.

Cause killer is not close to hakai at all. Zoro getting wounded by killer means he has no sword defense in you logic. So he can't take hakai. :kayneshrug:
Doesn't matter in the slightest.

Cause killer is not close to hakai at all. Zoro getting wounded by killer means he has no sword defense in you logic. So he can't take hakai. :kayneshrug:
Well if Hakai directly hit Zoro, he would definitely die.
Kaido a Future Sight user was expecting all hour Supernovas to die from Hakai.

Tho Zoro might be the only one on roof top with CoA strong enough to survive as he can make Island sized barriers. Luffy can use internal destruction but his raw CoA is no where near Zoro.

This explosion is far above Thunder Bagua btw as Zoro claimed without CoA defense this would have killed him. But post Hakai, 30 Broken Bones collapsed Zoro hardly took any damage from Thunder Bagua much less die.

It also means Zoro can coat himself in CoA and just stand there like a wall and Kaido hits him with thunder bagua, it just bounces right off of Zoro's body.
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