Giants already confirmed Shanks has Joyboy-level haki

Mihawk and Layleigh are ants compared to Shanks right now
Can they even beat Shamrock or Garling?
Who gives a fuck about what Dorry and Broggy said, it took Shanks going all out with his Haki against old ass near dead whitebeard to split the sky. Something a 5000 Year Old Rope from Joy Boy did it by itself on a fucking robot lmao. Even if Shanks equaled that fucking rope, it shows how pathetic he really is
Garp stomps Shanks
Garp thinks Rayleigh equals Prime Whitebeard
Old Whitebeard Equaled Shanks without using his Fruit
Mihawk made Shanks his bitch in front of his entire crew
Wdym Garling or Shamrock? Both bitch smack Goro-slave Bitch Shanks as well.
Shanks is maybe top 10 in the world and I am only saying it because in his prime he was close to Mihawk and can push Mihawk to mid diff right now.
Rayleigh eats 10 irrelevant hobos like Shanks' for dinner.
Imagine comparing this piece of trash
To this legend
Old Rayleigh seriously has a shot against Shanks and there is no way the trash is above Gaban much less Rayleigh or Roger.