Powers & Abilities Bet: Will Sanji unlock CoC in Elbaf?

Will Sanji unlock CoC in Elbaf?

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Is he going to unlock CoC and close the gap to zoro or will he stay an irrelevant bum and only leech off of Gabans portrayal?

Gaban arguably has CoC himself so Sanji unlocking it should not be impossible anymore.

Gaban was compared to Roger and Rayleigh even though the manga said he was right BEHIND Rayleigh he still is or was a powerhouse himself.

If sanji is going to surpass Gaban and his portrayal he should minimum unlock CoC.

Bet the winner takes an W and the Loser of Sanji Fans needs to change their avi that wanks zoro if he doesn't unlock CoC in Elbaf. If Sanji however unlocks CoC in Elbaf, Zoro Fans have to change their Avi to something that wanks Sanji. Choose wisely once voted you cannot change your vote.

Edit: Changed the bet to Elbaf only
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Is he going to unlock CoC and close the gap to zoro or will he stay an irrelevant bum and only leech off of Gabans portrayal?

Gaban arguably has CoC himself so Sanji unlocking it should not be impossible anymore.

Gaban was compared to Roger and Rayleigh even though the manga said he was right BEHIND Rayleigh he still is or was a powerhouse himself.

If sanji is going to surpass Gaban and his portrayal he should minimum unlock CoC.

Bet the winner takes an W and the Loser needs to change his avi that wanks zoro and disrespects Sanji if he doesn't unlock CoC in Elbaf or ever in the next arcs. If Sanji however unlocks CoC in Elbaf or in the later Arcs the Team No has to change his Avi which disrespects Zoro and wanks Sanji. Choose wisely once voted you cannot change your vote.
Change it to Elbaf only. No "later orcs" otherwise them Sanjitards will drag this until Two Piece
Sanji Fans needs to change their avi that wanks zoro and disrespects Sanji if he doesn't unlock CoC in Elbaf
This is pathetic and why true Sanji fans have come to hate Zorofans.

You don't just make it "Change your avatar to Zoro and wank him," if one loses the bet.

You have to include disrespecting Sanji too.

No fan that truly likes their character is going to hate on their favorite regardless of deals or bets. If they do, they're just in it for agenda, and don't actually adore the character.
Pretty sure Sanji will unlock CoC at some point. Could be now next arc or even final arc. And he will prob end up using ACoC but not to the same degree as Luffy or Zoro who incorporate it into their fighting style

All Haoshoku users in the volume titled Haoshoku… except Sanji? Nah Oda is foreshadow saving it just like he saved Gaban till very end

Why should Gaban have CoC to be at that level? He could have another power in place that would make it,that we have not seen as of just yet.

Also why should Sanji get CoC to bridge hypothetical gaps when he is doing just fine as he is and we’ve barely touched on his powers. He’s able to magically light himself on fire, can negate lasers, his exo, regen and speed have not been pushed to the limit nor has he shown how hot his fire can get (Oda said it is only minutes by Sanji’s durability) - why should ACoC help that?!

This community has been gaslit into believing that CoC is the end all and be all of all power scaling; so, if he gets it, cool! If he doesn’t even better, because he won’t be another copy and paste merchant but will have a unique power system to get him there anyway.

Although we have confirmation that Sanji will be a solid top tier, he shouldn’t be restricted by the CoC merchants - I would rather he develops his own unique system which would add to his already endearing character.
Is he going to unlock CoC and close the gap to zoro or will he stay an irrelevant bum and only leech off of Gabans portrayal?

Gaban arguably has CoC himself so Sanji unlocking it should not be impossible anymore.

Gaban was compared to Roger and Rayleigh even though the manga said he was right BEHIND Rayleigh he still is or was a powerhouse himself.

If sanji is going to surpass Gaban and his portrayal he should minimum unlock CoC.

Bet the winner takes an W and the Loser of Sanji Fans needs to change their avi that wanks zoro and disrespects Sanji if he doesn't unlock CoC in Elbaf. If Sanji however unlocks CoC in Elbaf, Zoro Fans have to change their Avi to something that disrespects Zoro and wanks Sanji. Choose wisely once voted you cannot change your vote.

Edit: Changed the bet to Elbaf only
I don’t see it and I don’t really see gaban having CoC.

I can only see usopp awakening CoC and Loki is another CoC user
This is pathetic and why true Sanji fans have come to hate Zorofans.

You don't just make it "Change your avatar to Zoro and wank him," if one loses the bet.

You have to include disrespecting Sanji too.

No fan that truly likes their character is going to hate on their favorite regardless of deals or bets. If they do, they're just in it for agenda, and don't actually adore the character.
I did include that. Loser from Sanji fans side will wank zoro and hate/disrespect sanji. Loser from Zoro fans side will wank Sanji and hate/disrespect zoro.
This is pathetic and why true Sanji fans have come to hate Zorofans.

You don't just make it "Change your avatar to Zoro and wank him," if one loses the bet.

You have to include disrespecting Sanji too.

No fan that truly likes their character is going to hate on their favorite regardless of deals or bets. If they do, they're just in it for agenda, and don't actually adore the character.
ngl i don't know if it's that serious like if i lost a bet on, say, if luffy was going to beat loki with just g4, then i'd be open to having to slander luffy for two weeks or so