good With every new SBS Kaido is cemented as the biggest yapper in one piece
kekaro Yesterday at 3:46 PM #335,301 Yesterday at 3:46 PM #335,301 thisnewtechnique said: good Click to expand... With every new SBS Kaido is cemented as the biggest yapper in one piece
thisnewtechnique said: good Click to expand... With every new SBS Kaido is cemented as the biggest yapper in one piece
Johnny B. Decent Yesterday at 3:49 PM #335,302 Yesterday at 3:49 PM #335,302 The irony of him saying that while in Mythical Zoan form.
EmperorKinyagi Yesterday at 4:07 PM #335,303 Yesterday at 4:07 PM #335,303 No one told me high testosterone made you go bald, this is bullshit
vikas Yesterday at 4:11 PM #335,304 Yesterday at 4:11 PM #335,304 EmperorKinyagi said: No one told me high testosterone made you go bald, this is bullshit Click to expand... Why do you think whitebeard always wears bandana...
EmperorKinyagi said: No one told me high testosterone made you go bald, this is bullshit Click to expand... Why do you think whitebeard always wears bandana...
Johnny B. Decent Yesterday at 4:13 PM #335,305 Yesterday at 4:13 PM #335,305 vikas said: Why do you think whitebeard always wears bandana... Click to expand... Because he was bald.
vikas said: Why do you think whitebeard always wears bandana... Click to expand... Because he was bald.
moreha9685 Yesterday at 4:14 PM #335,306 Yesterday at 4:14 PM #335,306 EmperorKinyagi said: No one told me high testosterone made you go bald, this is bullshit Click to expand... Soyboy with headful of hair or bald chad
EmperorKinyagi said: No one told me high testosterone made you go bald, this is bullshit Click to expand... Soyboy with headful of hair or bald chad
JoNdule Yesterday at 4:17 PM #335,307 Yesterday at 4:17 PM #335,307 sparrow210 said: Click to expand... I see
Lor D. Coast Yesterday at 4:56 PM #335,308 Yesterday at 4:56 PM #335,308 Hint
Zoinks52 Yesterday at 5:04 PM #335,309 Yesterday at 5:04 PM #335,309 Johnny B. Decent said: Because he was bald. Click to expand...
W worldaniking Yesterday at 10:30 PM #335,310 Yesterday at 10:30 PM #335,310 Lor D. Coast said: Hint Click to expand...
Bisoromi Bear Yesterday at 10:41 PM #335,311 Yesterday at 10:41 PM #335,311 EmperorKinyagi said: No one told me high testosterone made you go bald, this is bullshit Click to expand... Respect your forefathers. Women in the middle ages wished they could go bald and plucked their literal hair out to achieve a receding hairline.
EmperorKinyagi said: No one told me high testosterone made you go bald, this is bullshit Click to expand... Respect your forefathers. Women in the middle ages wished they could go bald and plucked their literal hair out to achieve a receding hairline.
L57 Yesterday at 10:53 PM #335,312 Yesterday at 10:53 PM #335,312 sparrow210 said: Click to expand... This fraud
Warchief Sanji D Goat Zest Demon!😈 Yesterday at 11:35 PM #335,313 Yesterday at 11:35 PM #335,313 Wonald Rump > ZeLensky.
thisnewtechnique Yesterday at 11:56 PM #335,314 Yesterday at 11:56 PM #335,314 Johnny B. Decent said: The irony of him saying that while in Mythical Zoan form. Click to expand...
Johnny B. Decent Today at 12:52 AM #335,316 Today at 12:52 AM #335,316 thisnewtechnique said: Click to expand... Seems he forgot not everyone in the OP world is a 20 foot muscle-bound demon with a literal divine dragon DF.
thisnewtechnique said: Click to expand... Seems he forgot not everyone in the OP world is a 20 foot muscle-bound demon with a literal divine dragon DF.
EmperorKinyagi Today at 1:11 AM #335,318 Today at 1:11 AM #335,318 Loki is going to be a dissapointment.
mly90 Today at 1:22 AM #335,319 Today at 1:22 AM #335,319 EmperorKinyagi said: Loki is going to be a dissapointment. Click to expand... The only admiral bro who isn't jumping on the loki train
EmperorKinyagi said: Loki is going to be a dissapointment. Click to expand... The only admiral bro who isn't jumping on the loki train
Embers Kaios Today at 1:25 AM #335,320 Today at 1:25 AM #335,320 I hope Oda doesn’t have Sanji use the Anti Manner Kick Course on Loki next chap That might actually end the entire arc+ Loki’s life…..
I hope Oda doesn’t have Sanji use the Anti Manner Kick Course on Loki next chap That might actually end the entire arc+ Loki’s life…..