Ahah not interested in this kind of narrative, but it sounds like it'd be a good Disney movie!
This narrative is used by the entire continent of Europe except for Italy and Hungary that are ruled by the Holy Mussolini-sister and a petty little wannabe tyrant. But you do you with Orange Erdogan.
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You are still here. Good to see you. How are you doing? How are the kids and family?
Non-average encounter between two posters on this thread. But I read on the news that even the Anarchists and the radical right or even far right Ukrainians become friends while in the same squad fighting against Putin’s invasion.

We should indeed show some respect for someone who is a decade older than the average virgin on this thread. This man remembers 9/11 and had more pussy at his peak than JFK.
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Funny how the comment.section is full of people accusing left wing protesters to be fake and paid. I wonder who paid the Jan 6 guys?

Tribalism in all its beauty.

Holy Mussolini-sister

But I read on the news that even the Anarchists and the radical right or even far right Ukrainians become friends while in the same squad fighting against Putin’s invasion.
That's the only way the US will ever unite, when China attacks.
Your reading comprehension are as low as his.

And let's not even talk about the irony of you who actually believes to be good at making anyone mald.
The guy sounds so much like a low effort TAC alt but I've been saying that about half a dozen people here already. Goes to show where Trumptards stand on the IQ scale

My uncle told me that India’s first prime minister, Jawaharal Nehru, was actually a Muslim who pretended to be Hindu to get into power so he could then undermine Hinduism.

I’m an American. I don’t know anything about Indian politics. But he sounds a bit nutty when he says things like this.
I have no idea about this but it sounds like a Hindu nationalist conspiracy theory