I still don't understand why he would do that, especially now that Elbaf is under attack
We won't understand that until we saw Lokiìs FB I think.
Robin was the cursed child
Yeah, same thing comparing WG's propaganda to every good character on Erbfa we have seen.
He is told that he has to return to Marijoa, not that he has to do it right away or that he wants to do it.
It was said that the situation was "dire". If not, why telling anything?
No, he has been mentioned as a problematic type by others
He is described as far more than "problematic", not to mention a killer. And he himself said he wants to destroy the world.
Literally everyone we know of.
Yeah, as far as aura goes they quite match.
Too bad Kaido was the enemy to defeat the ultimate goal of the alliance. Loki, as mentioned, until thirty chapters was a guy named ONLY ONCE because of a failed marriage.
How they can be the same thing I don't know
And until PH Kaido was just some secondary figure barely relevant in Moria's past.
You didn't doubt then, you should not now. wouldn't be a plot twist. A plot twist would be if Harald wasn't good and wasn't killed by Loki
It wouldn't be a plot twitst if Harald was in contact with the WG?
As far as I know, gossip, slander and prejudice in One Piece are always wrong. And I say, always
I have already made 3 examples, but I can make another: the celestial Dragons.
Everyone says they are evil scum and... they are evil scum.