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I assumed it was some Devil Fruit power for a long time, and was confused when it wasn't.

Hawkins had me believing real magic exists because of his Tarot Cards (they have nothing to do with his Fruit, though he can use them to enhance his powers at times).

After the Gorosei showed up, I was like, okay, Oda's going to get into straight up magic.

IMO that's why Vegapunk was actually so dangerous to the WG. Vegapunk had reached the levels of science that appear to be like magic to most people.

The WG rules the world with MAGIC. It's obvious. It's the one power they have that BARELY ANYONE else has. Hawkins can't even pick his own good cards, sometimes he pulls shit from his deck that makes his own troops kill each other. Meanwhile, the WG is teleporting people halfway across the planet.

IMO, the Ancient Kingdom had figured out how to bridge the gap between science and "magic", science so out there it breaks most people's minds.

This science led to a shit ton of corruption and evil, and, so, now, the WG wants to monopolize "magic", because they believe the common folk are too stupid/foolish to use it properly.

Still waiting for the Croc and Baroque Works reunion. Ms. Goldenweek could be legit useful to Cross Guild, such a random, busted moveset.

Ms. Goldenweek is the fucking Smeargle of One Piece. Weak as hell, but if you don't put her down fast, she's going to Status your entire team with ridiculous hax like Paralyzation and Sleep.

Also I just want too see Marianne and Buggy interact, shit sounds hilarious. Buggy gives Marianne lip, and she just draws on him and makes him start himself. PLZ ODA, PLZ.


Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Every honest Kingdom fan agrees. Riboku is Kingdom. More of a protagonist than even Shin. Without him I doubt the series will get any better, not with Hara's current writing.
Riboku is basically like if Oda actually made Akainu the hero of One Piece. He is that goated. At first you think he’s an arch villain because he basically kills Saint Shanks but then by the end of the series he becomes the unkillable tragic hero of Zhao.
Honesty time, I really love Riboku I just want to hug him really really really hard.
Every honest Kingdom fan agrees. Riboku is Kingdom. More of a protagonist than even Shin. Without him I doubt the series will get any better, not with Hara's current writing.
Despite Riboku being pretty much hated, he's arguably the most important Kingdom character

he's Ei Sei main antagonist for his trajetory for unification of China
he's Shin main antagonist for his trajetory as an General
he's Qin main antagonist

he's the guy who won, lost, cameback and won again

Kingdom won't be the same when he dies....


Lead them to paradise.
Despite Riboku being pretty much hated, he's arguably the most important Kingdom character

he's Ei Sei main antagonist for his trajetory for unification of China
he's Shin main antagonist for his trajetory as an General
he's Qin main antagonist

he's the guy who won, lost, cameback and won again

Kingdom won't be the same when he dies....

This is an amazing panel.
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