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Yami yami doesnt make BB intangible as the others logias
It's entirely possible the lack of intangibility is the result of the Yami Yami in reality being a Mythical Zoan.

It could also simply be the tradeoff for it being the "strongest" Logia because it negates other DF abilities irrespective of Haki? It's not the only special fruit of its kind. Katakuri's Mochi Mochi is a special Paramecia type.
It's entirely possible the lack of intangibility is the result of the Yami Yami in reality being a Mythical Zoan.

It could also simply be the tradeoff for it being the "strongest" Logia because it negates other DF abilities irrespective of Haki? It's not the only special fruit of its kind. Katakuri's Mochi Mochi is a special Paramecia type.
In the past Viz english translated their chapters using Chinese scans, which led to notorious errors
This is how the current viz translator Stephan did this part
Take a look... These powers are unique, even among Logias...!!!
That's right,
Commander Ace...
You CAN'T kill me...
In the history of Devil Fruit...
This power is said to be the most wicked of all.
Oda and Hara had a mid off that only lasted up to Egghead for Oda.

Hara just kept going. Dude is determined to find new lows like he's digging for oil.
holy shit hes chopping a million identical badly drawn chinese guys in half this is so fire!!!! ive never seen this before in kingdom!!! the action is so dynamic and amazing hes sitting stiffly on a horse and random body parts fly around this paneling is so genius

Kingdom fans are just hypocritical as fuck out of sheer butthurt that Hara doesn’t cater to their delusions lmfao


Lead them to paradise.
Ofc. I have so many chapters to catch up to but I'm too lazy to re-read the entire succession war and I think it's necessary to remember all the crucial plot lines etc.

I'll probably re-read it once Togashi is done dropping his current batch of chapters, maybe he already is ?
I watched it, goated
Isnt Meruems ability just a more busted version of Chrollos lol.
In the past Viz english translated their chapters using Chinese scans, which lead to notorious errors
This is how the current viz translator Stephan did this part
I'm onboard with hit being possible, but I still fundamentally believe Blackbeard is still in the hunt for his third and, I believe, final DF.

I believe that DF is the Mythical Zoan that is currently in Imu's possession.

I also believe Blackbeard will succeed where Rocks failed, and successful take over the "world" by taking Imu's powers for his own, thereby instantly wiping out the Gorosei (or stripping them of their immortatility and/or powers) before replacing them with 5 of his own best subordinates. (I believe Luffy will have a similar ability to give his crews powers, but without the immortality).

All of that will go down, imo, while the Gorosei are engaged in fighting and the Blackbeard slips in undetected, in thanks to Von Auger's ability to warp and Catarina's ability to fool guards.
Notice that Jiaga’s brute strength is being compared to Moubu, but we’re not going to get any quotes suggesting Jiaga is Qin6 level as a commander. This is because all of Moubu’s hype about him being the greatest offensive power in Qin history is commenting on Moubu’s abilities as a general and NOT as a single warrior.

Kingdom fans are just hypocritical as fuck out of sheer butthurt that Hara doesn’t cater to their delusions lmfao

Holy shit hes chopping a million identical badly drawn chinese guys in half this is so fire!!!! ive never seen this before in kingdom!!! the action is so dynamic and amazing hes sitting stiffly on a horse and random body parts fly around this paneling is so genius
@MarineHQ @Elder Lee Hung
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