In the past Viz english translated their chapters using Chinese scans, which lead to notorious errors
This is how the current viz translator Stephan did this part
I'm onboard with hit being possible, but I still fundamentally believe Blackbeard is still in the hunt for his third and, I believe, final DF.
I believe that DF is the Mythical Zoan that is currently in Imu's possession.
I also believe Blackbeard will succeed where Rocks failed, and successful take over the "world" by taking Imu's powers for his own, thereby instantly wiping out the Gorosei (or stripping them of their immortatility and/or powers) before replacing them with 5 of his own best subordinates. (I believe Luffy will have a similar ability to give his crews powers, but without the immortality).
All of that will go down, imo, while the Gorosei are engaged in fighting and the Blackbeard slips in undetected, in thanks to Von Auger's ability to warp and Catarina's ability to fool guards.