The video game franchise that hasn't had a good game since before I was born? That tried to compete with Mario but horribly lost? Why would I be bothered to know about such video game characters
The video game franchise that hasn't had a good game since before I was born? That tried to compete with Mario but horribly lost? Why would I be bothered to know about such video game characters
So, if Jormungandr was literally just a throwaway scary monster made real by Sommers, I think it's pretty safe to say that Fenrir isn't going to be anything major here, either.
So, if Jormungandr was literally just a throwaway scary monster made real by Sommers, I think it's pretty safe to say that Fenrir isn't going to be anything major here, either.
it's made from the fears of children. meaning they have a reason to fear it
It's most likely real
The giant captains also mention a red snake they can't damage. So the children grew up hearing about a huge snake that their strongest can't damage at all. That's bound to make them fear it.
So, if Jormungandr was literally just a throwaway scary monster made real by Sommers, I think it's pretty safe to say that Fenrir isn't going to be anything major here, either.
So, if Jormungandr was literally just a throwaway scary monster made real by Sommers, I think it's pretty safe to say that Fenrir isn't going to be anything major here, either.
Eh, I wouldn't say that for sure. Oda can go both ways. Take Wano. He used the komainu as a useless pet, but still had the okuchi (Yamato's DF) be a mythical zoan.
I could see Oda pull from Norse mythology for both gags and serious threats.
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