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It's safe to say at this point there's no Odin, Tyr, Thor, Freya, for this arc.
Loki could have the mythical Thor Zoan or Fenrir Zoan tho
Honestly, I would advised him to use a different name for Loki.

Maybe Sveyn in a homage to the real life Danish king, Sveyn Forkbeard who usurped his father, Harald Bluetooth.
Eh, I wouldn't say that for sure. Oda can go both ways. Take Wano. He used the komainu as a useless pet, but still had the okuchi (Yamato's DF) be a mythical zoan.
I could see Oda pull from Norse mythology for both gags and serious threats.
Well, the thing is, with Norse myth, you have the Dreki, the rather serpentine dragons, but then you have dwarves and elves, which I really doubt are in the series. And the Giants themselves basically are the Jotunn.

There are also Trolls, admittedly, but I don't think they would be in, either.

So, the option are just dreki or really big wolves. And Loki already has such a wolf.
oda started something with usopp with fear at the start of elbaf, no way its not used and be "cured"
I don't think it will ever be cured but it's all about perception. Technically Sommers could defeat every character because they all have fears but Usopp the Brave warrior of Elbaf doesn't show any fear (due to having so many it cancels the fruit out all together).

The SHP realize what happens and laugh, the Elbaf warrior think he is fearless and thus the myth of Sogeking/Brave Warrior/God Usopp keeps growing. Add the facts Usopp embellishes/lies and that his dad really is fearless it makes sense for the Giants to believe he is what he says he is.
I don't think it will ever be cured but it's all about perception. Technically Sommers could defeat every character because they all have fears but Usopp the Brave warrior of Elbaf doesn't show any fear (due to having so many it cancels the fruit out all together).

The SHP realize what happens and laugh, the Elbaf warrior think he is fearless and thus the myth of Sogeking/Brave Warrior/God Usopp keeps growing. Add the facts Usopp embellishes/lies and that his dad really is fearless it makes sense for the Giants to believe he is what he says he is.
The most feared thing by everyone in elbaf is loki

Maybe for everyone in elbaf he'll beat "loki" while the real loki is beaten by Luffy or some thing like that

but i dont want the "brave warrior" thing to be just what a population see about usopp, i want it to be a real thing
They are the same idiots that praised chapter 1127 when it was packed with mistakes and coped about it by exclaiming that the Straw Hats were actually under an hallucination, only to be proven utterly wrong less than a week ago.
These guys will praise Oda for any decision he makes

They always try to make his mistakes and bad writings seem like "planned and good"
Btw don't know if this has been discussed yet, but what do y'all think is at play here?
Reckon sommers is the one that animated those doodles but do you think it's simply a case of him animating drawings and making them a reality or is said ability able to manifest nightmares into reality? 🤔
Regardless though this ability opens room for a lot of possibilities. For instance, if it's the earlier, then Sommers might be able to make the monsters in the murals reality :risisweat:. If so we'd have what has been missing in this arc, which is the main arc antagonist.
If it's later then he might be able to manifest the SHs greatest fears into reality which could be pretty interesting.
Could get potential matchups like Sanji v Stealth Black (i.e like someone already mentioned on twitter), Luffy v Akainu etc.
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