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Oh of course
Im happy awaiting those type of threads after the match ups are final, gonna tag you every day than so we can all enjoy :finally:
If sanji fight Sommer then so be it, all is good.

I have nothing against sanji just don't thin he is on zoro and luffy tier.

If in the futur he show himself capable of that much I will give him his merit.

Not everyone have time to pixelscale everything like Admirals fans.

And no zoro fans aren't Saint either before you say I didn't mention it. But there are good people on all side.

I was also supporting the Admirals before they start going over the top with their kaido downplay, hachinosu was the too much when they tried to downplay everyone else's contribution.

As long you understand all this we good, Can't say I like you since I don't know you imo but I don't mind you either I think you are fun and rewly try to remain cheerful.
*Opens thread to see worstgen talk about how strong Saul and the other giant warrior pirates are outside dory and broggy*

instead they are:

- shitting on yamato
- calling villains who have no indication of being fodder, fodder
- upset because Loki hasn’t solo’d the verse one chapter since being released

You guys are so awful sometimes lol
What do you mean sometimes?
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