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Well, Mihawk and Crocodile do have a pretty similar vibe/dynamic, they're both pretty stoic and serious most of the time.
Mihawk wouldn't fit in with the BBP because they're too weird for him. There's people who are alcoholic rapists, torturers, mass murderers, etc.
And they just don't seem like people Mihawk would trust or like enough to ally with them.
I mean hell even Kuzan was a little uncomfortable with joining them.
I think Shiryu's the best first mate they can have since he fits their dynamic of being horrible nasty crooks with hax abilities and he doesn't mind fighting dirty at all.
If Mihawk was in there they'd have a lot of problems, for example Mihawk wouldn't be comfortable with sneak attacking Koby and Garp out of nowhere, while Shiryu is probably the one that proposed that idea in the first place.
They're night and day in terms of personalities and fighting styles.
I´m a bit skeptical of the Mihawk Crocodile duo personally. I won´t say they have nothing in common, but it feels forced. All you have to do is read Alabasta and see Crocodile laughing his ass off, enjoying the time of his life at the idea of killing 1 million people with his bomb. I won´t say Mihawk is a bleeding heart, he is brutal in his own way against random pirates messing with him, but I don´t feel like him getting along so well with Croco works that well. You do have a point about the dishonorable thing though, I do respect Shiryu tricking people and participating in jumping people, and yeah, that wouldn´t work so well with Mihawk(though his student was ready to jump Gaban:milaugh:). Overall I would like something a bit more... from Shiryu. Okay maybe he isn´t a gag character, but I wonder what he likes about Blackbeard, I mean it´s an abrupt shift from being an impel down guard who kills prisoners, to becoming a pirate himself. Does he help run Blackbeards territories or something maybe? It would be interesting to see what life is like on the BB territories for sure imo
Everything we know about Loki is being set up to be a false narrative.
I'll refrain to comment about the conspiracy theories becuase even though I think Loki won't be as evil as they made him seem, the phrases of everyone, Gaban included, made the situation pretty clear.

Not to mention, all the plot points I have already addressed (destoryer vs liberation Nika, the most dangerous power for Erbaf, etc.).

Oda wouldn't make the CDs and the Holy Knights the enemies of Loki while they're the ones terrorizing Elbaf.
Loki not wanting the CDs there doesn't impact on his role.

Oda wouldn't have Luffy be the one to release the villain terrorizing the country when he had previously been perfectly detained.

Luffy is supposed to be the ultimate judge of character. Loki's introduction also directly parallels Zoro's introduction, with Oda even noting the connection.

Zoro was made out to be a terrible monster, yet Luffy saw through this and released him, turning him into an ally. The same will happen with Loki
And this Is the biggest misconception: Luffy didn't want to free Loki because he thought he was unjustly detained; he freed Loki because he wanted information.

It was part of a DEAL:

Gaban even commented on it and Luffy answered that he would punch Loki and then IMPRISON HIM AGAIN:

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Holy Knights are clearly the villains of the arc.
They are basically underestimating the forces on Elbaf and toying with them, giving them time to save the Children before they get to the ships. These dumb mofos didn't even properly estimate the fighting force on Elbaf before doing this shit and only reason why they haven't already gotten smoked is coz Luffy's dumbass decided to go let Loki lose on a whim.

Kiba's already sounded the alarm so the whole force of the giants are going to be moving to save the Children whilst the Nightmares and the Holy Knights hinder them from doing so.

We already have Oda's typical "time bomb" setting in place with this sleep walking ting. Not to mention Gunko quite literally says Nika is what she fears the most so narratively speaking Oda's gonna have Gunko and the Holy Knights experience their greatest fears with Nika glaze :milaugh:

Like I already I've already said in the matchup predictions for Elbaf, Holy Knights are most likely gonna get smoked, and then Gunko somehow escapes back to Marijoea to bring back Shamrock and potentially Garling.
GB admitted outright (sadly so) that he couldn’t go to Wano cuz of Kaido. We know how impulsive and reckless GB is

BM provoked the Marines to try and stop her when she was calling Kaido thru unprotected transmission

Kaido sent Jack to retrieve Doffy. Tho he failed all Kaido did was delegate menial tasks to his henchmen. He was also busy with breaking off SN alliances before they got a headstart as Apoo had indicated

But anyways, Gunko fearing Nika is no different than Gorosei fearing his Awakening and risking Kaido’s anger over that. Nika is literal pirate Jesus who threatens CD way of life. They even tell children D clan eats them up
I don´t agree that GB is uniquely impulsive and or reckless, nor do I believe he really admitted anything new. No one is really attacking a yonko territory while the Yonko is there. The only exceptions are like MC´s, sometimes smaller pirates like Ace, and Garp, who is basically old Luffy. No top tier is actually invading a yonkos territory, including other Yonko(for example Shanks won´t invade Blackbeards island, but was near Wano thinking he would come). Big mom is actually an exception to this, which we can respect, but she did nearly die from king attacking her ship. But Kaido himself had the opportunity to save Doffy after he found out Jack failed(end of Zou he found out and kidd was already detained) but he didn´t, and I don´t really blame him, because he would be outnumbered, just like if GB tried invading Wano with Kaido around.
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