What you think about him? One of the things that One Piece's fans does the most in internet is speak ill of him. It's no different here in WorstGen.
So is all characters are under criticism, so it won’t make Chopper more or less trash than others. Some people suck at criticizing. They just throw judgements with no explanation.

People like to avoid conflict and be politically correct, but people want to believe they are right without having a conversation about it.
Here's my critical take on Chopper.

Chopper was an EXCELLENT character pre-timeskip. In fact, he was probably my favorite character overall. The concept of him deciding to "become" a monster for Luffy in the end resonated with me so well. His 4 main pre-timeskip fights were all excellent, and beyond that he had great moments trying to defend his crew from Kuma among other events towards the end of pre-timeskip.

Now, lets talk about the timeskip and FI. At first, I was loving really loving Chopper.

- Brain point was pretty much the same, overall good design.
- Walk point is excellent, he's bigger and more formidable
- Heavy was honestly fucking sublime. I loved the reveal and it still (including Chopper's presence in Wano with it) is excellent. He really does look like a monster.

Then, the rumble points are a mixed bag for me. Lets start off with the good though:

- Relegating 6 transformations to be natural outside of the rumble ball was a great move by Oda. It makes chopper stronger overall by breaking the confines of what a Zoan can be.
- Removing the negatives of Monster Point (now he's conscious) and only having to use 1 rumble ball was smart.
- Guard point is excellent. Just like Walking Point and Heavy point, it was notably improved all around. Happy with it.
- I actually like Horn Point. While it certainly looks more "cartoony" than the original, it seems a hell of alot more fitting and versatile for chopper. Too bad we haven't seen it since FI.....

The bad:

- Arm and Jumping point were killed. Why? Why couldn't Oda just have more transformations?
- Not only that, but he replaced 1 of these 2 points with Kung Fu point. I assume its supposed to be a sort of combination, but I don't see how he couldn't improve on those transformations.
- He went from 8 to 7 transformations overall.
- Kung Fu point honestly does do much for me...

Anyway, after FI, while there is no character assassination for chopper (he's still very much the same person), Oda has yet to ACTUALLY capitalize on chopper doing ANYTHING NOTABLE in 350+ chapters. He has 1 team attack with Luffy in Udon that was exceptional, and he did block BM's attack with Guard Point. But man, Punk Hazard trashed him bad. He had nothing to do in DR obviously, and then WCI again trashed him bad when it came to dealing with BM subordinates.

Compare this to Brook, who in both arcs had a ton more to do overall where it felt like it mattered. Usopp had his big moment in DR, while thats been it you can feel the growth from his character from that arc due to "God" Usopp and him saving the country specifically. Franky also had significant moments here and in PH, and the guy BARELY was featured in PH until the end! You see, while PH did make Chopper angry over Caesar's experiments, he didn't really "do" anything that arc. He didn't really "do" anything in WCI. He quite literally was there and Carrot did more than him and was affect more by the actual plot.

Chopper is really the only negative and critical thing I have about this series post-timeskip. I'm not sure where the pre-timeskip iteration went. . At least while Robin gets shafted on a regular basis, she is portrayed exactly the same and has been a good character (and I love how crazy she's been getting lately lol).

I am hoping that Wano is a return to form for him in terms having a major battle. Maybe he has a hidden form or two. He had 1 good attack with Luffy and he did turn the O-Lin situation into a major advantage. Idk, we'll see what happens, but Oda really needs to bring his character back from the brink, because as of now he's just been really insignificant.


@Akai2 No,you're not one of the peoples which i'm ignoring. I only ignore peoples that somehow disrespect Chopper and treats him like trash,and are close minded for any positivity about him. But you're a good people. You was one of the peoples who encorajed me to don't leave the community when i asked for help to do so.
By the way,we're already in august. You already can start to participate of Chopper's fanclub as promised?