[FNZ] Super Role Madness Round 12: Death Note

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To be honest I thought you were scummy at the beginning cause you werenโ€™t helping, then you started helping and I was okay with it, then the stuff happened last dp and you werenโ€™t acting the same and then Ali/yo saying someone infiltrated the town core. Thatโ€™s what made me decide to kill you.
Kiwi is something that came out of nowhere tbh. I saw the anime a long time ago and to me melo was good but scummy behaviour never would I have thought he would turn fully scum lmfao.
Shhh if you shot Lanji like I told you to, town would have stood a chance because we had no clue Tris was Near :milaugh:
I just found it hilarious that you thought I was scummy as town, even though I delivered the scum three times.

And @Zara should have known that I was converted because the ability he stole from town Natalija wasn't there.

ALSO, I was a one shot vig for town.
I did say you w-were converted at the start of the phase didnt i :(

anyways congrats to you and kiwi for the win, you girls played well

thank you noctis/rej/al for hosting

i had an amazing time spamming memes with drago and queen on day 2

and had a fun time talking about random nonsense with tris for several phases

overall this was the most ive laughed in one game but also the most mentally traumatized ive ever been in a game
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