Spoiler One Piece Chapter 988 Spoilers Discussion

How strong is Sanji?

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don't think Sanji vs King will be a prolonged fight.

he definitely came there to save Momonosuke, so he might land a kick or two against King, take Momo, then make a run for it.

once Momo is safe, the war can finally begin without hindrances or hostages, and Sanji might go on a real fight with King by then.
That's probably what it will be. We still know very little about King. It's too soon for him to be defeated.

I'm still waiting for Sanji to prove himself by beating Page one. I still believe P1 will arrive and fight Sanji. He was not far behind his sister who has a
Iirc Oda said somewhere that he gave Senor Pink a flashback because he kept getting so many people asking him why he dresses like a baby, and it was not something he was originally going to do. I could be wrong as to what he said exactly, as Dressrosa was so long ago, but I do remember Oda commenting on it.
His editor asked him about his outfit and he gave a reason, then his editor said they should flush the flashback and add to story.


Magic Sword, Magic Swordsman, and Can Cut Anything
[QUOTE = "Celestial D. Dragon, publicación: 626804, miembro: 2212"] Ahora que lo pienso, Oda se ha centrado más en mostrar la habilidad de corte de Zoro después del salto en lugar de sus habilidades reales como luchador, por lo que Zoro vs Queen hace Tiene mucho sentido, ya que Queens DF lo convertiría en el más duradero de los Calamities. Esa piel de culo grueso de un braquiosaurio + CoA Haki no sería una broma para cortar. [/ CITA]
no ja
Now that I think about it, Oda has been more about showing off Zoro's cutting ability postskip rather than his actual skills as a fighter, so Zoro vs Queen makes a lot of sense, as Queens DF would make him the most durable of the Calamities. That thick ass hide of a brachiosaurus + CoA Haki would be no joke to cut.
No jack is most durable than Queen
is it king? so does that mean the anime spoiled ghe match up?:josad:
Toei is doing a great job making Manga fans angry with getting spoiled... specially as a payback for assholes who just go to Anime community and ruin the shit for them by spoiling or just keep shitting on anime and saying Manga is better... not gonna lie, Toei ever since Wano started is GOLD!

Feels like Oda also skips lots of shit on manga on purpose, in order to make the anime get back as FIRE, so that it attracts more audience back for the last few arcs...
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