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@Lebrent @T.D.A
뿌릴 건 없고.. 후즈후가 죽이고 싶은 애, 퀸이 죽이고 싶은 토비롯포 누군지 나와.
Nothing interesting... The person Who's Who wants to kill, the F6 Queen wants to kill is revealed

어.. 드레이크가 옆에 있던 바질 호킨스한테 무슨 점치느냐고 물어보니까 어떤 남자가 내일까지 살아있을 확률을 1퍼센트로 점침..
Drake asks to Hawkins next to him what can you predict? "Somebody's survival rate until tomorrow is 1%"
Queen killing Drake :queenhear:
Awesome :funky:
Source: 106@ DCInside

원피스 990화 스포일러 ONEPIECE 990 SPOILER 후즈후가 죽이고 싶은애와 퀸이 죽이고 싶은애가 나온다 과연 누구일지??

Translation: “ONEPIECE 990 SPOILER The one Who’s-Who wants to kill and the one Queen wants to kill comes out. Who will it be??"

The leaker also added its a Tobi-Roppo is who Queen and Who’s-Who wants to kill.

"Drake asks Basil Hawkins next to him what he is doing. A 1% probability of a man being alive tomorrow"


Hustlerversity Graduate
@Lebrent @T.D.A
뿌릴 건 없고.. 후즈후가 죽이고 싶은 애, 퀸이 죽이고 싶은 토비롯포 누군지 나와.
Nothing interesting... The person Who's Who wants to kill, the F6 Queen wants to kill is revealed

어.. 드레이크가 옆에 있던 바질 호킨스한테 무슨 점치느냐고 물어보니까 어떤 남자가 내일까지 살아있을 확률을 1퍼센트로 점침..
Drake asks to Hawkins next to him what can you predict? "Somebody's survival rate until tomorrow is 1%"
I guess these two things are related and are the same person?:wonderland:
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