Spoiler One Piece Chapter 990 Spoilers Discussion

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To be fair Marineford barely had any deaths for a war, not a single relevant marine died, and only two pirates died, and one of was gonna die due to illness anyway. Jozu lost an arm but survived, Oars Jr status is unconfirmed.

Sure the aftermath of the war was huge but the war itself was like a PG movie
Yeah but by One Piece standards it was pretty consequential. Oda played with the fake death shit so much I still don't know if I should believe Vergo/Monet/Pedro are dead since we didn't see their dead bodies unlike Ace/Whitebeard. :goatasure:
- Drake ask Hawkins about a prediction,
Drake and Hawkins are in the chapter?:hohoho::finally:@Kejon HYPE!!!!!!!!!!!:steef::steef:

there's 1% survival rate of a certain man surviving till tomorrow

Is my Sanji dying in Wano theory coming true after all?:crazwhat::eeke:
Queen wants to kill, Drake.
Who's who wants to kill Drake.​
Drake be like after he hear this

3. "Somehow SH come out with Luffy & Zoro vs Numbers,
Me after reading this
before luffy takes ace handcuff, marineford was lowkey mid actually lmao
...... Whitebeard clashes with all the admirals. Squard betrays him. Ace is revealed as Gol D. Rogers son. Oars Jr fights. Luffy Landing was epic. Luffy faces admirals. Warlords attacking pirates and marines. Doffy slices Oars leg off. Whitebeard screams to back Luffy. I could go on
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