Spoiler One Piece Chapter 990 Spoilers Discussion

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990 Lonely force

Sasaki is saved
Jack vs InuNeko
King stops the search for Yamato and orders to stop all the people who wants to go to the rooftop because Kaidou is there.
Who's Who invites drake to kill Queen
The place changes with Luffy in Gear 4
The place changes again and it shows us Drake being defeated by Queen and Who's Who
It's confirmed that the one who saved Law was Drake
Drake run away somehow and he's where Luffy is fighting against the numbers
Luffy uses King Kong Gun and defeats(? it's not confirmed) Tooki/Juuki(not sure how it will be readed, i think Tooki) and the other numbers who where there
Drake says that he's the lone force and asks to fight together
The last line says: Luffyyy kuhaa!!? DON(sfx)

So wait Drake get beat down already and escape, it make sense WsW and Queen are really strong threat.
But this open up a match up with Luffy+Drake vs Queen+WsW
Overall incredible spoiler, nice to see that WsW work together with Queen to take out Drake, never expect something like this.
Hawkins probably didn´t help Drake or he come in the end of chapter.

Luffy+Zoro defeat then probably the numbers and Queen+WsW join the battle.
Im hyped to see WsW and Queen in action.


Drake saved Law... Hawkins losing to law doesn't feel that bad anymore.

Zoro isn't even mentioned in the chapter lol it is Luffy who beat the number

:josad: there goes "KKG will beat or heavily damage Kaido/Linlin, KKG was overkill for Katakuri, would work on Cracker"

Luffy needing KKG for numbers... People still think this attack would have landed on cracker or Kata. Or will damage kaido/Linlin badly.

Luffy has a new g4, something combined with AdCoA and FS, which makes him faster and stronger.

:milaugh: Queen needing WhoWho to beat a flyer (Drake) .. Please
People still think calamities are above Cracker lol
Drake isn't even equal to g4.
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