Another chapter, but I’m still riding the high of Franky absolutely going GANGBUSTERS in the last two matter what happens for the rest of the series, we’ll always have him clowning the ever loving SHIT out of Big Mom and dropping a laser dime on the Numbers

So, let me get something straight...Lola and Chiffon knew that their father was clingy and persistent, but didn’t even entertain the notion that Pound is that very same overly emotional man until they saw the photo? Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad they came to their senses, just wish they hadn’t immediately rejected the best character to come out of WCI
Sasaki’s finally free, continuing a long tradition of him appearing in this series and me not feeling strongly about it one way or another. The glimpses we get of Kai-Dragon and the Inu/Neko Sulong forms are rad, but seeing Kin’emon ready to slice through a visibly injured Jack would have been equally cool in my eyes
Anytime we get non-Luffy Supernovae is a nice little reminder of how the others are doing, and I know
@Kejon is still cleaning his pants after seeing Hawkins fully alive and well, but he’s talking about Drake with the “one percent chance of survival” thing, right? If Who’s Who and Queen are both after him, that may be more than one guy (even one as tough as him) to handle. Hell, even the former admits, even as part of his subterfuge, that it would be easier for them to take on the latter together than going it alone.
Oh, great, where’s that turncoat Fukurokuju going? He trying to resurrect Orochi’s impotent ass? Or is this where he reveals he was always loyal to the Kozuki family, like it matters when he’s still commanding his forces against their alliance? I don’t trust this long-earlobe-having motherfucker one bit :attachpol:
Zoro and Jinbe neg diffing the giant club...need I say more??
Yo, Kejon...I know you’re already here because I tagged you, so answer this for me (or quote your post if someone else already pressed you on the subject), but why is your boy going along with the ambush on Drake? Guess I proved my theory above correct, but he and Apoo are making the wrong choice sticking with the Beasts. Eager to hear you spin it in his favor
Hahaha, nice to see Koby telling Drake that he can count on Luffy! Should be interesting to see how this one defection changes the course of the raid, and how Luffy responds to Drake, although I think the second thing is a lot easier to predict than the first. Pretty good chapter for what it sought to accomplish :queenhear: