General & Others Why have we not seen a single character who aspires to be WSS?



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This is also impossible since its not the WG that tells us Mihawk is the strongest swordsman. It's the narrator.

Mihawk 's intro box is the narrator's text saying "WSS Dracule 'Hawkeyes' Mihawk". If the Narrator box is lying then it can never be proven correct again.

By this I mean, there's no proof that another narrator box saying someone else after Mihawk is WSS is also saying the truth. Like evening it's Zoro. If the last chapter of one piece has Zoro's intro box as "WSS Roronoa Zoro" then what's stopping that from also not being a lie. Like even if Zoro beats Mihawk and then finds out that fujitora is stronger and beats fujitora and then finds out The gorosei guy is stronger and then beats that guy and then finds out Shanks is stronger and then Zoro even beats Shanks too and the series ends. The narrator box has been proven to lie already. There's no proof that Any if these people listed were WSS and the narrator calling Zoro WSS I'd not proof either. Since that same box LIED that Mihawk was WSS at the start of the series.

See what happens when unwarranted complications are added. Given that the story is pretty much at its end, this sort of random complication is extremely jarring
The narrator is describing the world as they know it. I do believe that Mihawk is the best/strongest swordsman in OP. What I'm saying is that it would certainly be in the WG's benefit to hype and popularize that title and make a big deal out of it. Perhaps the fans have made the same assumptions when they overanalyze the title.
Im not disagreing with your explanation, but can you for once drop the defense mode and tell me straight to my eyes that Oda didnt drop the ball on the worth of WSS or couldve made it mean more? Heck people are vying more for a warlord title than WSS.

I get your point about WBs title my friend, but its not related to one of the MCs and isnt a primary achievement or labelled as so, the WSS is labelled as a primary achievement like becoming PK/Warlord/Yonko,etc yet it is not portrayed as so at all, only zoro wants it. I wouldve loved to see rivals of him aiming for this,etc.
I am not, it is how I seriously feel.
You are assuming Zoros rivals like Killer, Kaku, all the people in that Dojo, King, Shiryu etc don't want the WSS title and I say why not?

Oda has shown us Dojo's, Oda has shown us people rigorously training in those Dojos trying to make themselves as strong of a swordsman as possible. Aren't those people innately trying to be WSS? What about a Pirate like Shanks who trains as a swordsman as a Kid and then gets strong enough to have legendary duels with Mihawk. Is he not innately competing for WSS?

Mihawk even said he doesn't remember face of every insect he crushed meaning there are countless people coming up to him only to be crushed? What do you think majority of those people are? I'd say swordsmen testing their skill against WSS.

When Vista was competing against Mihawk, he seemed excited, he seemed proud of the fact that Mihawk even knows his name. He trains as a swordsman, he wants to be as good as he can be.

But then there is also the fact that people like Vista at some point realize what their limit is. You need to understand Mihawk is a bad bad man, and you have to be a special someone to try to go against it. In that line of reasoning it gives Mihawk's title even more prestige because someone who is presented as special person among special people, someone with perhaps the greatest will power and determination in the series next to Luffy is the one who has truly gone all out with pursuit of title.

What is missing is people proclaiming to be WSS but I don't think really think that's important because by just wanting to be as good as you can as a swordsman, you automatically are in the running. Its not a title like PK where you have to do specific things to become Pirate King.

But there is one title that is like Pirate King, the Yonko title and that is the title no one, not even Yonkou themselves want, they want to get to next level that is Pirate King.

Something to think about.
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Also one thing I wanted to consider, this is one of the defining moments in One Piece and seen by many people as greatest moment ever in One Piece

But what led us here.
Zoro telling Kuma "My head may not be worth much but one day I will become World's Strongest Swordsman. Surely that is worthy replacement for head of future Pirate King"

And to that Kuma said "Close enough" and accepted Zoro's head. For this Sanji had to lie and make shit up "I will be most notorious man" because obviously no one cares about all blue.

Yonko title has not given that kind of prestige when we hear things like "Mere Yonko" compared to Pirate King.
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Imagine being a Pirate....and aiming for WSS...when you can be PK

Imagine being a Marine.....and aiming for WSS....when you can be Admiral or PK.

Literally nobody cares about being WSS lmao.
You can be Pirate King and WSS at the same time you know. Roger was WSS of his time unless you think there is a swordsman stronger than Roger.

You can be WSS and Admiral at the same time. If Fujitora wasn't weaker than Mihawk he would be WSS.

Literally no body yet millions if not billions of people in the world do. Oh and second most important character in the series, just him alone caring renderings anyone else not caring irrelevant.

Let me ask you think how many Marines do you think aspire to become Admirals?
Simple, it's a shit title. Mihawk social standing comes from him being a warlord not WSS. Once he loses the shichi title he is just another strong outlaw.
Not really, World knows Mihawk as WSS not a warlord.
He was introduced as WSS despite being warlord at a time, that's what narrator is telling us who he is.
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Lmao the Swallowers are real mad.

Good work @Rosella.Fiamingo
Not really mad, just annoyed because it is one of the many stupid anti Mihawk thread that is easily debunked.
You can be Pirate King and WSS at the same time you know. Roger was WSS of his time unless you think there is a swordsman stronger than Roger.

You can be WSS and Admiral at the same time. If Fujitora wasn't weaker than Mihawk he would be WSS.

Literally no body yet millions if not billions of people in the world do. Oh and second most important character in the series, just him alone caring renderings anyone else not caring irrelevant.

Let me ask you think how many Marines do you think aspire to become Admirals?
Truth is he wasnt.

He may have been the strongest man with a sword. But he was known for being the PK and not some bullshit made up propaganda fictitious balooney title like WSS. You seriously think Roger would want to be known as that lol.

Roger being the PK and also being known as the WSS. Is like an Olympic Gold Medalist being known for having a participation sticker in school.
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In dont wave your SAT results when you have a doctorate.
Truth is he wasnt.

He may have been the strongest man with a sword. But he was known for being the PK and not some bullshit made up propaganda fictitious balooney title like WSS. You seriously think Roger would want to be known as that lol.

Roger being the PK and also being known as the WSS. Is like an Olympic Gold Medalist being known for having a participation sticker in school.
What do you mean he wasn't? Like was he not stronger than every other swordsman? Mihawk's title is not a judges contested medal, that you have to participate in, its World acknowledging Mihawk as someone stronger than every other swordsman, like Shanks, Fujitora etc. You don't need a title to be WSS, you need to be WSS to be WSS.

Roger did not have the title perhaps because World didn't clearly see him stronger than Shiki, I mean he was known as rival up until Roger because PK.

No Roger being PK and WSS would be like someone having a gold medal in Wresting and Gold medal in Jodu with wrestling being Piracy and Judo being swordsmanship.

Considering there are as many swordsman in the world of One Piece (not more) as there are swordsman, that is actually a very generous comparison.

You basically act ignorant, because for your logic to make sense One Piece needs to be World without swordsmen.
What do you mean Propaganda?
Propaganda by who lmao? The Narrator?
By Oda?

Its not like WG gave him the title, the World did and the narrator did. Its not like Mihawk after not being a Warlord has stopped being Zoro's goal.
Where is the logic? Why are you so easy to debunk?
Roger did not have the title perhaps because World didn't clearly see him stronger than Shiki, I mean he was known as rival up until Roger because PK.
Oh so you believe the WG can make mistakes ? Fine then....Mihawk is highly likely to not be the WSS then. If the WG can make a mistake with Roger they can easily do one with Mihawk.

The fact that hes struggling with Vista, being talked down to by Croc, and getting dodged by Pre timeskip Luffy. Hes lucky if we qualify him as YC.

Like I said....its propaganda. The WG need to lie and pretend like theyve got another Top Tier on their side.
To be fair there is Zolo, Kuina and two transvestite dudes from Impel down:usoprice:
I guess Zoro shouldve went to Kamabaka and trained with his rivals:steef:
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Those two transvestite dudes are among the many people that Mihawk has crushed. Those two are the irrelevant ones. Pay attention to the shit that you read lol
You know if you dont count them....then you literally have no one aiming for the pathetic title right.


Lead them to paradise.
You can be Pirate King and WSS at the same time you know. Roger was WSS of his time unless you think there is a swordsman stronger than Roger.

You can be WSS and Admiral at the same time. If Fujitora wasn't weaker than Mihawk he would be WSS.

Literally no body yet millions if not billions of people in the world do. Oh and second most important character in the series, just him alone caring renderings anyone else not caring irrelevant.

Let me ask you think how many Marines do you think aspire to become Admirals?
Coby and helmeppo wanna be admirals, admiral is a coveted position but still. Thats atleast twice more than Zoro.
Oh so you believe the WG can make mistakes ? Fine then....Mihawk is highly likely to not be the WSS then. If the WG can make a mistake with Roger they can easily do one with Mihawk.

The fact that hes struggling with Vista, being talked down to by Croc, and getting dodged by Pre timeskip Luffy. Hes lucky if we qualify him as YC.

Like I said....its propaganda. The WG need to lie and pretend like theyve got another Top Tier on their side.
What do you mean WG can make mistakes? Its not the WG that gave him the title, where is that bullshit coming from. WG isn't handing out titles, does WG call their enemy Whitebeard WSM?

Its World acknowledging Whitebeard as WSM just as the World is acknowledging Mihawk as WSS.
Roger was not known as WSM because he never showed the World to be head and shoulders ahead of others, Shiki was seen by World as his rivals. The whole World knows Shanks is one armed Has been and no where near Mihawk's level anymore so he is acknowledged as WSS.

Struggling against Vista?
Like where was the struggle?
Was he sweating?
Was he showing fatigue?
Was he using named attacks?
Did he use his entire arsenal?
You literally made that shit up?

Talked down by Crocodile?
So was fucking Whitebeard, why is that relevant?

Dodged by pre TS Luffy? Mihawk also landed a hit on Luffy from across the Island. And it is same Luffy who has survived encounter with all three admirals.

And Nami, slower than pre TS Luffy has blitzed Big Mom.

Your examples are dog shit.
The answer is simple. He doesn't want to waste time focusing on characters who won't become the world's strongest swordsman. We have Zoro who chasing after that title who's one of the main characters. That's all he needs to focus on. By having Zoro fight and beat other strong swordsmen, who have more ability and skill than just swordsmanship, as he work his way up to becoming the WSS, he's showing us that this it is a real title that is about the strongest person who uses a sword. Regardless if you possess more ability, power or skills.

Oda doesn't need to come out and literally say everything for us to understand what's going on. Look at Kaido's crew. We know it's made up of a lot of former pirate captains. That means they were chasing out the one piece and try to become Pirate King but stopped on their journey and decided to join the beast pirates. We can tell that without Oda you needing to say it.


Lead them to paradise.
What about Kuina?
Rest of the Dojo?
Literally every single swordsman in the World lmao?
They have never stated they want to be WSS, thats the problem i have, i got your point already. Im saying that the telling part is not there, is all. Its very underwhelming and i dislike how Oda did it. You're entitled to your opinion honestly.
I just feel this way.
What do you mean WG can make mistakes? Its not the WG that gave him the title, where is that bullshit coming from. WG isn't handing out titles, does WG call their enemy Whitebeard WSM?

Its World acknowledging Whitebeard as WSM just as the World is acknowledging Mihawk as WSS.
Roger was not known as WSM because he never showed the World to be head and shoulders ahead of others, Shiki was seen by World as his rivals. The whole World knows Shanks is one armed Has been and no where near Mihawk's level anymore so he is acknowledged as WSS.

Struggling against Vista?
Like where was the struggle?
Was he sweating?
Was he showing fatigue?
Was he using named attacks?
Did he use his entire arsenal?
You literally made that shit up?

Talked down by Crocodile?
So was fucking Whitebeard, why is that relevant?

Dodged by pre TS Luffy? Mihawk also landed a hit on Luffy from across the Island. And it is same Luffy who has survived encounter with all three admirals.

And Nami, slower than pre TS Luffy has blitzed Big Mom.

Your examples are dog shit.
Im sorry but when did you ever qualify to know what the World of OP believes ? Im sorry but I never knew that the OP World was a living breathing character. Capabale of making their own thoughts and decisions. How can the world that is seperated into tiny little islands...dictate that Posthawk is the WSS.

Only thing connecting the OP the newspapers. And who controls the newspapers.....the WG.

You think Mihawk became WSS....because random fodder who have never seen him fight....called him it. It obviously would first be reported by the news, and then be manipulated for whatever agenda the WG wants.

Bro sorry to break it to you. But do you remember how Luffy became the 5th Yonko ?....You do ? Good...

Thats how Mihawk became WSS

Im sorry but when did you ever qualify to know what the World of OP believes ? Im sorry but I never knew that the OP World was a living breathing character. Capabale of making their own thoughts and decisions. How can the world that is seperated into tiny little islands...dictate that Posthawk is the WSS.

Only thing connecting the OP the newspapers. And who controls the newspapers.....the WG.

You think Mihawk became WSS....because random fodder who have never seen him fight....called him it. It obviously would first be reported by the news, and then be manipulated for whatever agenda the WG wants.

Bro sorry to break it to you. But do you remember how Luffy became the 5th Yonko ?....You do ? Good...

Thats how Mihawk became WSS

I disagree with that. When the data becomes out and tell us that Mihawk is the WSS in title and name Oda is saying that there's no swordsman out there that is secretly stronger than Mihawk.

It's just like PK. Rogers obtained that title because he actually found one piece. Not because he told people he found one piece but was lying.