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Thats like saying that Sugar touching someone wouldn't''t result in someone turning into a toy.
If Anyone with fire or heat related abilities attack Kinemon and he can see it on time, it's getting cut. Thats just how his powers work.
Don't waste your time, Kinemon literally said "there is no fire that I can't cut" in PH this is his ability they act as if he stopped a thunder bagua or something
From Redon and ScotchInformer on AP Forums. Thanks to both of them.
- Neko and Inu transformation finally appear in this chapter.
- Luffy accept Drake as alliance but Zoro, Jinbe and Franky refused that.
- Page One and Ulti attack Mugiwara crew, but Usopp and Nami distract them.
- Seems Apoo is back and attack Zoro or Drake (not sure), trey teamed up to fighting Apoo.
- Jack is Collapsed by Neku and Inu attack.
- Kinemon cuts Kaidou's Boro Breath in a half.

@Gol D. Roger
Ok so legit nice
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