@ShishioIsBack These spoilers confirm that Mihawk is not the true WSS unfortunately. Kin’emon can stab Kaido and cut his attack while Mihawk can’t scratch Jozu, Vista, Crocodile, or even Buggy. It makes sense though because the WG doesn’t know about Kin’emon’s existence due to him being from Wano and skipping in time for 20 years
Spoilers just show Jozu is infinitely more durable than Kaido which should be blatantly obvious.
Mihawk never tried attacking Crocodile, he only deflected Crocodile's attack treated him same way he treated Don Krieg.
Buggy was more than Scratched, he was fucked up. You need to reread MF.
Mihawk never took Vista seriously.
You should be more worried about legacy of Kaido, so called "invincible WSC" got body bagged by shit tier swordsmen like Kinnemon who shit themselves in Zoro's presence and same Zoro doesn't even think he is worthy to see Mihawk yet let alone beat him.
Although Zoro sure seems hella confident in killing Kaido's fodder ass.
Why shouldn't he be when someone like Kinnemon can bring him close to death's door and same Kinnemon thinks he would die the moment he touches Enma and was being handled by swordless Zoro like a little child.
Mihawk legitimately one shots Kaido at this point, I am not joking with you