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According to powerscale scientists logic, Kinemon/Oden knows that Dragon Kaido can breath the fire even before fighting Kaido first hand....:suresure:
do you think when oden fought kaido is the first time the beast pirates came to wano or something? They were in wano for 5 years at that point, why would kaido being a fire breathing dragon be a secret for five years

atleast read the manga you trying so hard to defend
One is sweating and looking scared the other isnt, its a reaction. Of course you dont know the difference.
Also let mee play your stupid game, one has shiver !! , the other is shiver.
Yep as if Fuji was using even 20% of his power (and I am being generous) during Dressrosa arc and couldn't have stomped Luffy, Zoro and Sabo's butt here.
One is sweating and looking scared the other isnt, its a reaction. Of course you dont know the difference.
Also let mee play your stupid game, one has shiver !! , the other is shiver.
Yeah because Monet is in far worse situation that Fuji is. Fuji only got his attack overpowered and Monet got cut.
Point is it shows how biased you are with the "Fuji was not taking Zoro seriously" bullshit.
I don't have no squad and nowhere in the manga did kinemon defeat Kaido. So i ain't arguing with. All Kinemon did was cut Kaido with his other scabbards(jumped) while he was drunk and couldn't finish him.
cuz kaido ran away and called jack to protect him

kaido woulda been finished if he stayed there. Multiple samurai who can pierce him? No chance
You literally have no idea how drama or storytelling work huh? Why didn't Roger ally with Shiki back then they would have been stronger together. Guess Roger is stupid.

Take this trolling where you pretend you can't understand anything more complicated than linear power levels and pure strength back to 4chan or whatever lol
saying kinemon didnt get stronger is trolling? Lmao if you say so
theres an army between kinemon and oden because kinemon choose to fight the army instead of fight kaido

which is my question, why?
Cuz they had to stop the army too.

Is not like the army will say:" ok you and Oden can pass ," .

Oden was about to get hit by an arrow and Shinobu helped oden remember so the RS needed to deal with the army first.


Lead them to paradise.
What? If he apologized to Zoro then why would he go easy on him? He is apologizing that despite being indebted he has to do his job.

I am the one who is utterly biased and full of shit when you are using ass tier arguments. Sabo and Fuji literally had statements around straight up spelling it out for us that Fuji is not taking the fight seriously.

Where as with Zoro Fuji literally was shivering and asking his men to back off anticipating a serious drawn out clash after Fuji was overpowered by Zoro.

What do you mean meaning Luffy and Zoro too? He literally aimed the rubble at the opposing pirates who were going after Luffy and Co to protect Luffy and Co. He pinpointed those ships specifically and dropped rubble on them.

i kNoW fUjI bEtTer

You need to reread Dressrosa with how uninformed you are.

Not to mention garbage of Bedrock drilling attack being weaker than a weak ass building bending attack
He told them to back off because a wounded rabbit is still dangerous, drawn out fight lmfao. Dude came out of it looking worse than some of his fights.

I mean, he was gonna drop the island sized rubble and end the Sh pirate alliance but then changed his mind to drop it on the random pirates coming in.

You are someone that loves to twist people's words and outright fucking lie.
I am done talking to you right now, bask in your dellusion of zoro taking an attack stronger than Raging Tiger. But then again, everything you say is dellusion and headcanon. Throwing hyperbole everywhere you go just makes you look bad man.
Cuz they had to stop the army too.

Is not like the army will say:" ok you and Oden can pass ," .

Oden was about to get hit by an arrow and Shinobu helped oden remember so the RS needed to deal with the army first.
if oden is capable of having a private duel with kaido for a limited time, then oden + kinemon having a private duel with kaido for the same limited time shouldnt be impossible. Does one less scabbard fighting the army change everything that much?


Lead them to paradise.
Not to mention you seriously suggested that garbage attack Fuji used on Sabo is stronger than Bedrock Drill on Zoro. Like what the fuck bro, at least admit your own bias with how much you call other people biased @Fujishiro
Garbage attack on sabo? Lmao what, its a named attack, the same he used against luffy and whom you said is similar to what was used against zoro, its the same attack. And i showed you that its not the same attack at all, fuji's attack on the random fodder at the casino was stronger than the one applied on zoro.
cuz kaido ran away and called jack to protect him

kaido woulda been finished if he stayed there. Multiple samurai who can pierce him? No chance
Post the panel where he called Jack.
The multiple samurais is still in front of him that will be fighting still. Come back in a few chapters and lets see what these Samurais going do. Remember you said Kinemon defeats him by himself, so these guys should neg diff
why would kinemon not know about boro breath? Beast pirates have been in wano tor awhile now, dont be silly

kinemon already stabbed base kaido so im not sure why youre hyping up base kaido above kinemon in all honesty

kinemon gonna stab him whatever form hes in
why should he know? beast pirates have been in wano for a while doesn't mean that he should know everything about beast is not as if Kaido goes around in dragon form and throws fire as he I said, even if he knows it doesn't matter because fire is not troubling Oden and Kinemon can't just waltz through calamities+others to Kaido...don't be are arguing just for the sake of arguing ....Kinemon put everything in that stab and gave superficial wound to Kaido, nothing else....Kinemon can't defeat Kaido whatever form he takes...your logic is that Kinemon can cut borobreath and stab Kaido while he was drunk and therefore he can defeat Kaido....:whitepress:
no, saying it's stupid that fox fire kinemon the fire cutting man can cut fire is trolling. you're just playing dumb and then calling people fanboys when they prove you wrong lol
asking why the dude who can cut fire didnt defend his master from said fire attack isnt trolling, and you bringing up 4chan makes it clear you have no reply to my very simple question 😂
why not? Didnt kinemon stab him a few chapters ago?

if u can injure someone and block some their attacks, how can you say you dont stand a semblance of a chance?

you guys were all saying i was denying whats shown in the manga but looks like you’re denying whats in the manga now :)
You are ridiculous in how linear you think

How old are you


Lead them to paradise.
Yeah because Monet is in far worse situation that Fuji is. Fuji only got his attack overpowered and Monet got cut.
Point is it shows how biased you are with the "Fuji was not taking Zoro seriously" bullshit.
He was not, he casually gravity crushed zoro, blocked his attack while zoro came out bleeding and breathing heavily. Then left with doffy. How is that taking him seriously?
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