Questions & Mysteries SWORD

Who's the Leader of Sword?

  • Kuzan

  • Garp

  • Fujitora

  • Ryokugyu

  • Smoker

  • Other (comment down below!)

  • Sakazuki

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Life Is Good ✌️
Would be cool, but i doubt it. Kong looks like an "absolute justice" follower to me.
When it was said that higher ups in the Government nominated Akainu for FA, most people thought it was the Gorosei, but i think it had to be Kong.

But it certainly would be a cool way to re-introduce him into the story.
Yeah I agree its a long shot, but it would be a great twist to the whole world government hierarchy.
I think, former fleet admiral Kong formed sword. There's an evil within the marines and the world government, so it's members are strictly chosen. Garp who refused to become an Admiral, was chosen to the the commander or "admiral" of this secret force. Garp chose Aokiji to be his deputy. Aokiji would use his Admiral status to validate this units existence. After Aokiji left, Fujitora took over his position. Aokiji became a line agent like Drake. Garp also recruited Koby because of his actions in Marine Ford. Chances are, smoker is also part of this unit.


Life Is Good ✌️
At this point, two known members of Sword have formed a relationship with Luffy, Drake and Koby. I think it'll be a recurring theme that Sword members are Marines who aligned themselves with Luffy at some point in the story. Drake, Koby, Fuji, Smoker, and Tashigi have all fit that narrative.
So far (as of chapter 990) we have only seen two S.W.O.R.D members Coby & X Drake, we know that SWORD so far are there to spy on the Yonko and track Big people movements on the grand line.

X Drake who is the Captain of SWORD we can assume has a relatively high position within SWORD higher than Coby's, But not the highest since he is sent out to infiltrate Kaido and Disguise himself as one of his men, for a fair amount of time. which is not something a person of high position would do. although you could argue that his position as one of the worst generation and X marine would make him a prime candidate to go and infiltrate a Yonkou, i think that its still not enough to say he could be within the top Three members of SWORD.

There has been some discussion about whether LAW is a part of sword considering his interactions with X Drake and LAWs Past involving Corazon and how he was an undercover Marine working alongside Sengoku. but this is still very up in the air due to LAWs character he could be on either side easily.

Saying that does this mean SWORD is a big operation or a small one made of only a few people within the marines, assuming that only marines are part of SWORD that is.
will it be a 5 man kind of Team or more like a secret Group amongst the top leaders of the marines?

so my question is who do you think are prime candidates for being members of SWORD within the marines? and why? (if i haven't added your guess please highlight it in your reply)


Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
I’m definitely not the first person to suggest Vegapunk as a member of SWORD, it makes sense when you consider both his actions regarding Kuma as well as the sheer secrecy that has surrounded his character from the very beginning. Garp and Aokiji seem like strong candidates as well, and although I doubt he’s a member at the moment, Smoker would be a natural fit once shit really kicks into high gear.
I’m definitely not the first person to suggest Vegapunk as a member of SWORD, it makes sense when you consider both his actions regarding Kuma as well as the sheer secrecy that has surrounded his character from the very beginning. Garp and Aokiji seem like strong candidates as well, and although I doubt he’s a member at the moment, Smoker would be a natural fit once shit really kicks into high gear.
Agreed! Vegapunk i feel like sort of half works for the marines, i feel like he makes his own decisions about alot of things which would allow him to do things in secret and not make it obvious, he works heavily with the marines too so information can be easily sought out if he ever needed to find something out. a good position that would allow him to be a member of sword.

although this is only what we know of him so far, and the other fact which is why would Vegapunk be so intrested in the Yonko? could it be to get their devil fruits? Kaido and Big mom have some of the most powerful fruits the the manga wouldnt put it past vegapunk to have his eyes on those.
Did Kizaru attack Drake on Saobody while knowing that he was part of Sword? Maybe he had not joined yet? Are the admirals aware of Sword's existence? So many questions.
If the admirals were a part of it , then Akainu wouldn't have been oblivious of Wano's military strength when he stopped Kizaru from going there considering Drake was already stationed in Wano.
I can see Fujitora being a part of it but don't know about the others.
Sengoku imo. It's pretty clear (to me at least) that Corazon and Sengoku are part of SWORD based on their conversations and the similarity of their codewords to the ones Coby and Drake use. I think Garp knows about it but isn't part of it, based on how Sengoku makes Garp leave the room before he and Corazon talk, but after they use their codewords.

Sakazuki I'm not sure if he's part of it, but there is this.

Either SWORD can manipulate the Fleet Admiral enough that he's essentially parroting orders from Coby, or Sakazuki is part of it.
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Kizaru didnt know about Drake, so probably not even the high rank know about the SWORD, and as they exist even before Kuzan left and Akainu become Fleet Admiral, they leader have to be some old generation marine.

Garp seems the most obvious, but i dont think he is the leader, he is like Luffy, and dont seems to be the guy who do things undercover. For me, the SWORD dont have a leader, they could be rouge marines that want to reform the Navy/WG from inside. Garp could be a in touch with them, or even be a member, and thats how Coby got to become one of them to.

We could think about Sengoku too because of Corazon thing, but he dont seems to go against the will of the governament as we see in Ohara incident.
Sengoku was just an employee like everyone else. If Kong or the Gorosei told him to do something he had to do it. Why do you think he's so much more chill now?
I always believed Akainu and the other admirals are aware of what SWORD is since Brannew repeats the intel Drake gave Koby.
Also, reading back, the "mistake" Kizaru did on Sabaody did when calling Drake "Rear Admiral" then "Former Rear Admiral" makes it seem as if Kizaru genuinely messed up and gave it away.