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Bald Spoiler Provider
those raining bullets can hurt everyone except sanji he has full body coa that blocked the rain that kanjuro used

he has future sight dodge katakuri bullet

and he has the raid suit

Why would Sanji choose to use the raid suit so easily when he spent his entire life being abused either literally or mentally by his connection to Germa?
His beef with the Germa reduced bit by bit throughput WCI to the point that he even decided to save them and was surprised they decided to save him back too

He's not over it entirely but it's less than at the start of WCI.

So begrudgingly he put aside the remaining hate he had to save his friends since he needed the suit to save them.

Huh? You think there's a universal definition of "good character" that people just automatically ascribe to?

No. There isn't.

If you were here 10 or so chapters ago, people were ranking "Favourite Tobi Roppo" based off their designs and one or two lines of dialogue. That was enough for some people to say "good character". Just design and one line of dialogue.

So if you don't give an actual definition of what you mean by "good character" I can just as easily believe you deem a character a bad character just because of their design and one line of dialogue as well.
Imo there's a difference between a likable character and a well written one.
He’s a coward who shoots from far screaming APAPAPA
This made me shoot sprite out of my nose. Fuck you that is hilarious
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Moria vs Pica:

Intelligence: Moria
Durability/Endurance: Pica
Devil Fruit: Moria
Power/Strength: Moria
Speed: Pica
Haki: Pica
Hax/Miscellaneous: Moria
Story Portrayal and Significance: Moria

5- 3 Moria
Haki preventing Moria from stealing shadow < Pica
Pica assimilates the stone. He IS the stone. He's controlling himself while fused with the stone. Thats why Pica has to
No Zoro says multiple times that Pica has a "real body" that's constantly moving around in the stone.

If he was doing what you say then he'd be like a logia which means cutting him at any point on the golem with haki would've Hurt him. Zoro cutting the mountain in half would've been equivalent to cutting Pica in half.

So no. Both from Word of mouth and the literal mechanics of the story, He is NOT The stone
Moria vs Pica:

Intelligence: Moria
Durability/Endurance: Pica
Devil Fruit: Moria
Power/Strength: Moria
Speed: Pica
Haki: Pica
Hax/Miscellaneous: Moria
Story Portrayal and Significance: Moria

5- 3 Moria
In order for Moria to have such strength he'd need other people's shadows. So how many are you giving him in this 1v1?
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