Ten years ago, people were using MF as a proof that the Yonko were vastly above Mihawk and the admirals because, and I quote, « Oda will never treat the yonko like that!!! They will just curb stomp any commanders in they have and certainly not have they attack stop by them ». For those people « plot » or « context » did not exist...
Ten years later

The longer we stay in the Yonko saga, the better Mihawk and the admirals showcase in MF look like

Ten years later

The longer we stay in the Yonko saga, the better Mihawk and the admirals showcase in MF look like

Yonko arc:
Whole Cake: Big Mom in his territory got push back by the starwhat (not luffy but Nami,Chopper,Jimbe), used for a lot gang, no conseguenze whatever for Jimbe leaving Big Mom....
Wano - Kaido...last then chapter are very bad for the stronget creature in the world.....- Big Mom ko by Jimbe and Robin..........