At least she had her own ORIGINAL reasons to do all those things, and not because she inherited Osama Bin Laden's will

If your so turned off by inherited Will, why do you read OP? Your sounding like a major hypocrite here.

You think Yamato doesn't have her reasons? Did you read the chapters? It's not fully fleshed out but it's there.
See? Yamato fans are unironically using "inherited will" as a fancy term for identity theft. You're literally the person I've described in the court scenario
Your argument doesn't hold up as I'm not actually using it for Yamato. But rather explaining that most characters have it one way or another. Again your just screaming out words trying to act intelligent thought. Luffy has it, Chopper has it, Robin has, Nami has it...etc... It's literally written in the story in some way or another. "acting upon somebody's else's dreams" Which, Dreams is also thematically written in the story.