Versus Battle Princess Kaguya Ōtsutsuki Vs Sōsuke Aizen


I will never forgive Oda

Distance: 50 meters
Location: Fake Karakura Town
Knowledge: Full

Round 1: Butterfly Aizen fights Kaguya
Round 2: Monster Aizen fights Kaguya
Round 3: TYBW Aizen fights Kaguya

How many rounds does Aizen win?​

Formerly Seth

I mean to my knowledge she doesn't have any means to remove Aizen's mind control

He can make her do sandwiches and stuff
Yes ur right.

I just don't like hax feats in vs battles.

Such cancer arguments for me.
Hax >> AP feats depending on the hax.
Depended on the ability: There is hax that ignores the stats of his opponent and hax that is limited against equal or more powerful people. That would be decided case by case, how consistent the ability works. An ability that failed against more powerful people, without other explanation is limited hax that wouldn´t work against comparable or stronger enemies.

Hence it is nothing wrong to argue with hax lol.
Exactly. Hax are just the abilities which are used by the character.


Zoro Worshipper
This fight is really dependant upon which character will act first...

If Kaguya uses her hax on him before he does on her she wins and he dies in some unknown dimension otherwise she gets mind stomped.