Who Can Save Wano (and us)?

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Zoro Worshipper
bruh if Kaido's 'scream' could blow off an arm like that, wait til he gets serious... sheesh.... X_X
Fun fact.

Kinemon managed to cut through Dragon Kaido's Blast Breath, an attack that could manage to completely pulverize to shreds a mountain.

This proves that a serious Kaido will be supposed to shake the entire country and put it to danger at the very least.
That's like saying Admirals are Vice Admirals just because they belonged to that rank once
there's power difference between the ranks.
Admirals are elite vice captains just like Headliners with gifter powers are elite gifters

there's a power gap
No...they are literally called "Chosen Gifters". it's in their Oda Box.

This is like you using "facts and logic" to argue why my name is not Duck man. At the end of the day, you're wrong no matter how much 'logic' you bring to the table. Have you heard of maps and territory? The map never supersedes the territory. if the facts mess with your understanding, change your understanding don't argue with the facts.
I still think he's waiting to fight Luffy before gets 'really' serious if you ask me
This like the argument of Zoro vs Killer right. Zoro never used a bandana so apparently he's not "really" serious???

Nah. He's serious. If you are actually trying you are serious.

Even Luffy vs Hody was serious even though Luffy never used G4.

You can be serious without going all out
By the way, the fight wit Scabbards is far from getting wrapped IMO..
I believe that the fact that Oda introduced the whole Luffy still has MANY levels to climb
the fact that Oda made ONE scabbard getting fucked this chapter only by the end
the fact that the TWO MOST HYPED scabbards didn't do anything special yet (Asura Douji + Denjiro)

all of these things lead me to believe it will take more time for Kaido to wrap things up...
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