I appreciate the effort to post this but for next time it would be more professional not to call somebody out for the entire forum to witness. Instead, deal with that issue privately and anonymously. If its bad enough, enforce a ban, but don't single somebody out as an example please
I'm not defending him at all, but being that one guy who is selected as an example surely isn't a great feeling
On the other side, many users Need to see that we deal with this Problems. I got a few Messages about user who complain we didnt do anything, becuase they dont see it directly.
Also, we are still a small community here, know each other more or less, so if there is a Problem inside the community, it is better to discuss this in Group, just to Show we are interacting here with you guys, not against you.
So, were try to Keep distant from banning People, we try to build a fun and healthy community here, but we Need your help and we Need you guys to even stop each other when you know somebody else goes to far and for that, it is important to see when he goes to far. Nobody wants a user to get banned because he went into troll to far for one time, maybe he just lost himself in it These days and needed that wake up post.