Who will eat the next L?

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Really good chapter :finally:

Marco trying to stall Big Mom, even kicking Prometheus out is hype :phoenixmarco:, but BM understands that Marco's fruit is the perfect one to keep her busy and out of the dome and decides to leave him there :fullmom:

Wanda and Carrot take Perospero by surprise and scar him on the face, seems like a settled fight (still have doubts on the minks winning)

Apoo MVP of the chapter: dodging Zoro's slashes while escaping from a horde and even blocking bot Zoro and Drake at the same time :pepapoo:

Queen is looking at Zoro and Sanji bounties, don't really know what he'll do next. He can go down there and take on Zoro, or he can take the elevator and look for Sanji.
He can also chill there on the stage and just wait, or even call King and tell him to take care of Sanji.
Idk :queenhear:

Nami and Usopp vs Ulti and Page one seems always more impossible, imo if they tag they can try to take out just one of them (Ulti?), everything is good as long as Tama doesn't start taming all zoans :whitepress:

8/10 chapter imo


Lazy is the way
How would he get out of her grip? She could just walk him to the sea and drown him.
You really think that it is how characters fight in One piece.... ? Big Mom likes to punch or slam and Oda wouldn't ever take that way.
If One piece Characters were as raw and smart and deadly lots of fights would have lasted 2/3 panels.

And you can say that Marco didn't went all out at all either. He likely has higher end attacks that could allow him to loosen the grip or escape it. Here it is only a clash or a beginning of fight so no one is all out.
He is admiral per the databook. Unfortunately that's not enough to fight a Yonko. That's why he got crushed by Teach and easily grabbed by BM.
Hard isn't it?
When the same Marco who needed Vista and all other commanders to stall heavily wounded Akainu is 1v1 fighting Meme of panel and then injuring her weapon while not needing to use regen even once.
So you're saying Zoro is struggling because Apoo blocked an attack even though Apoo acknowledges the match up against the 2 is too much for him. Also using that logic did Big Mom struggle vs Marco in this exchange, because it was blocked too.

Then you're gonna say something like but look at how BM handled him afterwards. Precisely. Apoo is getting taken down soon.

That was a casual clash though. Look at the effort Zoro is putting in.

And yes BM handled him afterwards. I don't see the panel of Zoro doing the same though :kayneshrug:
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