Who will eat the next L?

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Apoo "fighting both of yall to much" still block them and took no Damage man a fucking Troll :steef:
He has the best feats during this raid. Oda seems to like him a lot. He's been fighting supernovas left and right, everybody is after him and he still manages to do well.
I think Kidd will need Killer's help to defeat him. No way Kidd can solo that guy.


But he also said this about unarmed men and generally weak men

Also Tashigi doesn't know Zoro was bothered by her face. So what she thinks is entirely out of context seeing as she doesn't know about kuina

Again, this code you're implying g seems to revolve around Zoro somehow growing into this mindset after getting demolished by kuina. Which is weird. Since you'd expect the opposite right?

Put it this way, if Zoro were to meet a woman enemy WHO WAS ACTUALLY STRONG. So that we would not have questions about him seeing them as weak; would Zoro hesitate?

Like if Zoro runs into Big mom herself, are you saying that he'll give two shits that she's a woman?
I still don't understand his unarmed men line tbh
But no, if Big Mom was in the way and Zoro needed to attack her he'll do it without hesitation.
He says at 1:07 "There're things I don't want to cut"
His role in PH was to not allow Monet to exit the room during the time limit. So he basically waited until it was absolutely necessary that he cut her to do it. He's not like Sanji where he'd rather die than hit a woman under any circumstance. Nor like Luffy who will punch anything that moves.


Nope, I explaine it perfectly well. And Zoro struggled to cut down Garp’s cannonballs while Tashigi completely neg diffs it when she instantaneously stops it’s momentum down to nilch

granted this is Garp, it nevertheless doesn’t bridge the gap.

Tashigi > Zoro in physical strength and durability, yet Zoro has other qualifications that puts him above Tashigi. It doesn’t just come down to how much you can lift or take a beating. Tashigi never had any inprrrssive haki and she lacked in other areas

But no, you didn’t address Sanji vs Vergo and Tashigi vs Vergo because it’s an inescapable conclusion from there
1) It wasn't instantaneous, it's manga so it's a still frame bro lol that's why I posted the anime scene
2) How is this struggling to cut Garp's cannon ball?!! It's casual. And like u said it's freaking Garp. He's a monster, did u see the giant ball he lifted after this?!
3) Basing a judgment on the difference between them in physical strength based on simply this cannon business is really weird. Like it's very ticky tacky. We've seen Zoro do monstrous physcical strength feats that blow away stopping the momentum of a cannon ball lol

4) I didn't address the Sanji vs Vergo situation cause I don't understand ur point
fights Zoro won
Pica equal to Vergo whom Sanji lost
Killer a WG member
also clashes where Zoro didnt look bad
clashing with Denjiro equally
Clashing with Fujitora without being non diffed

Sanji ?
Couldnt break the steel door
Law made him a woman
lost to Vergo
lost to Doflamingo
Daifuku overpowered him
Without Niji he wouldnt be able to save his capatain
no fight in WCI
Only shinning point is when he owned Oven who was fine
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