Future Events Wano Match-Ups



sanji vs perospero with raid suit( both wear raid suits)

zoro vs orochi/kyoshiro or both

luffy, Kidd, law, momonosuke, drake, admiral vs big mom and kaidou. this could also change into bm going into her hunger tantrums or simply amnesia and then it will be luffy , kidd, law vs kaidou

(note momo will only be used as ''PET'' so luffy can fly fighting dragon kaidou

other SHs will get whatever oda feels like it on the moment since I doubt he setteled on anything big for them.
Initial Bouts (1 v 1s) - Alliance Flex Time
Luffy v Jack
-> Luffy's gonna have to flex on someone to show he's incomparable to how he was before and Jack unfortunately gets my vote. Luffy is notorious for taking out the antagonist 3rd strongest subordinate and he already said he was gonna spank Jack on Zou so there's that as well. Like just imagine Luffy toying with a character as strong as Jack the Drought in Base :steef:
Adult Momo v Orochi
-> Last chapter affirms to me that this fight is going to happen. If y'all remember when Momo asked Luffy for help on Zou, he was so frustrated with how powerless he is/was saying that even he'd like to grow up quickly so he can avenge his parents and protect his retainers but because he's body is small this making him unable to, thus begging Luffy to join him in his fight against Kaidou. I personally think this was defo a foreshadowing by Oda. Now fast forward to the latest chapter 958 and his retainers are currently on the cups of getting spanked to oblivion and he'd be unable to as much as lift a finger because of how weak he is. However, with that comes an opportunity for growth, be it via Shinobu's or whatever logic Oda is gonna make Momo grow to give him the strength to protect his retainers and avenge his parents. Also y'all take a look at this bad boy:steef:. Remind you of anyone? ^^
Zoro v ??? (Mimawarigumi Captain)
->I honestly prefer Kyoshiro as Zoro's pre-game before he moves on to bigger and better tings in the arc, but given Kyoshiro has been left in charge with the capital, he either gets defeated by Zoro prior to the raid or he he joins the alliance, so chances of my preferred fight happening on Onigashima is slim at best. So the next best person as Zoro's pre-game (i.e. and elite Wano swordsman) would be the Mimawarigumi captain. Given he's Orochi's top brass, he should be pick of the crop as far was Elite Warriors go on Wano, so ideally, comparable to the likes of Kyoshiro/Inu/Neko etc.
Sanji v Fukurokuju
->Y'all that were on Oro know how much I've wanted this fight:catcry: lolz....Been banging on about it for ages and alas! the opportunity is here boyz:steef:. I was a bit dispirited when it was revealed that Fuku was Raizou's rival as it implied that Raizou was going to be defeating him, but seeing as Raizou is about to get spanked (and rightly so coz imo, no way Raizou should be beating Fuku who has 20years of growth on him), he's defo gonna be Sanji's pre-game on Onigashima. Been saying this for ages but, if you observe Fuku's Yukata, you'd notice that it's a die of "3" enclosed by a circle so this matchup is made in heaven and I personally can't wait! :funky:. Also given Fuku is the strongest Ninja on Wano, and Orochi's top brass, like the Mimawarigumi captain he should be pick of the crop on Wano as far as Elite warriors go so again comparable to the likes of Kyoshiro/Ashura/Inu etc thus a good pre-game for my boy ^^
Law (Supposed Traitor) v Nekomamushi (Actual Traitor)
-> In the case that Nekomamushi turns out to be a traitor, I reckon he deserves to get spanked by Law given Bepo almost died as a result of Jack's attack on Zou
Cavendish v Kiku (Clash of beautiful swordsmen) or Denjiro v Kiku
Brook v Daikoku
Franky v Mimawarigumi Monk
Nami v Oniwaban chibi (Chick that uses shuriken)
Chopper v Hanzo
Robin v Mimawarigumi dude (kabuto helmet) or Ninja looking chick
Usopp v Oniwaban (Scroll dude ) - Proper looking forward to this fight ^^
Kid v Apoo

Climax Bouts (1 v 1s) - Alliance Struggles
Luffy v Weevil (Roger v WB throwback fight!)
Luffy v Kaidou
-> Luffy either has to be Jacked or Kaidou Nerfed (would rather the earlier), to win but I do think it'd happen.
Kid (Awakening) v Lilin
-> Can't help but feel Kid's awakening will be OP as fck! but like Luffy for him to win he either gets a cirumstantial power up or Lilin is nerfed (would rather the earlier)
Weevil v Kizaru
Zoro v King
Sanji v Queen
Hancock/Jinbe v Smoothie
Law v Ouchoku
Drake v Silver Axe
No point in Oda mentioning them in 957 if they aren't going to be relevant in some way. Hina mentioned that Rocks has been getting stronger as of late (slowly but surely) so don't think it's unlikely for the aforementioned 2 to make an introduction on Wano. Plus I think they'd make for good matchups for the Law & Drake.
Nami v Compote
Sicilian/Carrot v Perospero
Sicilian/Carrot v Daifuku
Usopp v Mont Dor
Franky v Flying Six
Brook v Flying Six
Robin v Flying Six
Chopper v Strongest Number (9? or is it 10?)

Tag Teams
SHs & Law v Kaidou
Kid Pirates & Sword v Lilin
Luffy+Kidd +Law vs Kaidou. Luffy will have major role in KAIDOU defeat. Each of em will show a new devastating ability.
Kidd could get to hold BM, bt i think BM would be engaged in battle with another Top tier, in the background.

Zoro vs King, i expect some help.
Zoro vs Kyoshiro, and will cut Orochii Zoan form.

Sanji vs Queen, again some help.
Sanji vs non Calamity, strong foe, bt without RS.

Law or Kidd might have short clash or fight with Jack or Smoothie to hype em for Kaidou fight.

Ashura, Inu, Neko, Kawamatsu, Denjiro(if alive) will beat Jack n Smoothie. Could also fight some of the Numbers n Flying fighters.

Rest of SHs should also face Flying fighters or Numbers with some help if necessary, they are too far behind otherwise. They have yet to show everything and with teamwork can handle stronger opponents.


For everyone here talking about alliance members have tag team fights against one opponents,no. Can't be this way.
Who whatever Chopper,Bepo etc are going defeat,they need defeat totally alone.
The point of Time-Skip was SHs and allies grow in to be able of overcame anything in the world most terrifing sea,where were going travel.
If currently,when their power will finally be totally seriously tested,they can't overcame whoever stay in their way each one in his own,so Time-Skip was useless for them and they don't even deserve scape alive of this war.
Also,each of our heroes should have not only one,but various vs1. Only like this all them will finally have all the missing great content since the entrance in New World,with Luffy getting all spotlights.
Luffy+Kidd +Law vs Kaidou. Luffy will have major role in KAIDOU defeat. Each of em will show a new devastating ability.
Kidd could get to hold BM, bt i think BM would be engaged in battle with another Top tier, in the background.

Zoro vs King, i expect some help.
Zoro vs Kyoshiro, and will cut Orochii Zoan form.

Sanji vs Queen, again some help.
Sanji vs non Calamity, strong foe, bt without RS.

Law or Kidd might have short clash or fight with Jack or Smoothie to hype em for Kaidou fight.

Ashura, Inu, Neko, Kawamatsu, Denjiro(if alive) will beat Jack n Smoothie. Could also fight some of the Numbers n Flying fighters.

Rest of SHs should also face Flying fighters or Numbers with some help if necessary, they are too far behind otherwise. They have yet to show everything and with teamwork can handle stronger opponents.
Is there any particular reason why you think Zoro & Sanji would still require help fighting King & Queen given they already got pretty significant power ups going into Onigashima?
Is there any particular reason why you think Zoro & Sanji would still require help fighting King & Queen given they already got pretty significant power ups going into Onigashima?
Not anything solid, i just feel that they still ain't good enough to do it on their own.. much less in short amount of time, when LUFFY fights in WCI were streched to approx 10 hours.
Not anything solid, i just feel that they still ain't good enough to do it on their own.. much less in short amount of time, when Luffy fights in WCI were streched to approx 10 hours.
Luffy didn't have to be Katakuri level to be matched up against him 1 v 1 though. In addition we still haven't seen the upper limit of both's abilities (be it haki or Sanji's fire abilities or Ashura) and the most pessimistic would still put either at low high tier at worst so I can't really see the argument for both not being strong enough for the likes of King/Queen just yet, especially given the alliance are going up against two Yonkou, so there isn't going to be a shortage of enemies. Lastly, if both can't get legit 1 v 1s against top commanders this arc then Luffy would've certainly left them behind, given he's already encroaching on a stage where he'd be able to smack younkou commanders around for fun.
Luffy Kidd Law Drake Hawkins (5 to Look out for) vs Kaido [Luffy lands final blow] (Hawkins comes away with Kaido doll)
Zoro+ Enma vs King
Sanji+ Raid Suit vs Queen
neku and Inu vs Jack (Sulong take out)
SH grand fleet captains vs Flying 6 Pirates (Flying 5 after drake Betrayal)
9 Scabbards + Udon Yakuza Bosses + Kozuki supporters + Minks vs Kurozumi family + Oniwaban +Kyoshiro family betrayal (Kyoshiro = Denjirou)
Robin + Franky Grand-fleet crews + Heart Pirates + Kidd Pirates + Hawkins Pirates + Drake Pirates + vs Numbers, Gifters, Pleasurers, Waiters

Drake calls in Marines led by Green Bull + Smoker (Vega Punk Power up) + Marco + Jimbei + fishman pirates + remaining SH's help deal with BM Pirates on sea based battle

Green Bull vs BM
Marco vs Smoothie
Jimbei vs Daifuku
Carrot vs PerosPero
Nami vs Compote
Chopper vs Basskarte and Gallete
Brooke vs Raisin
Usopp vs Flampe

Smoker vs Appo as he tries to flee from the insane war and Mayhem

I miss anyone? lol
Am I the only one that thinks Inu & Neko v Jack is a lil too unbalanced, espeically if both are going to be using sulong? Both are match for him individually without sulong, so either should be able to beat him in Sulong imo.