Character Discussion Does Zoro's progress make sense?


Zoro Worshipper
The succession does not matter. What matters is the degree of power one has and whether or not it suffice to bring the opponent down.

Zoro is too built for a gradual shift.. yes the strongests he beat are the mid range Supernova and yet look at how much power he suppressed and yet how easily he managed.


Magic Sword, Magic Swordsman, and Can Cut Anything
Zoro started pre timeskip with fishman, then monet, then pica, then kamazo, then ...kaidou? does it make sense?

as comparison,luffy started with hody, then CC, chinjao, then doflamingo, then cracker, then katakuri, then kaidou.


if zoro beats kaidou, he already surpassed mihawk without facing him, since kaidou was called the strongest pirate
Kaido is strongest pirate but he couldn't defeat Big Mom, he need help to defeat Oden and get away when he saw 2rd swordman
yes, of course
Zoro started pre timeskip with fishman, then monet, then pica, then kamazo, then ...kaidou? does it make sense?

as comparison,luffy started with hody, then CC, chinjao, then doflamingo, then cracker, then katakuri, then kaidou.


if zoro beats kaidou, he already surpassed mihawk without facing him, since kaidou was called the strongest pirate
But with Kaido it obviously won't be a 1vs1like the above fights
He will be among a tag team so it's not too illogical since the effort to defeat Kaido will be distributed among them
Zoro started pre timeskip with fishman, then monet, then pica, then kamazo, then ...kaidou? does it make sense?

as comparison,luffy started with hody, then CC, chinjao, then doflamingo, then cracker, then katakuri, then kaidou.


if zoro beats kaidou, he already surpassed mihawk without facing him, since kaidou was called the strongest pirate
BB and his crew killed an half dead WB. That doesn't put BB over WB. Your logic makes 0 sense


The Road To Harmony
Zoro started pre timeskip with fishman, then monet, then pica, then kamazo, then ...kaidou? does it make sense?

as comparison,luffy started with hody, then CC, chinjao, then doflamingo, then cracker, then katakuri, then kaidou.


if zoro beats kaidou, he already surpassed mihawk without facing him, since kaidou was called the strongest pirate
Fallacious reasoning.

1. Zoro wouldn't be going from Monet-Pica-Kaido. He's already fought 3 Supernovas on Wano, and there is still a chance he battles a Calamity before Kaido, but even if he doesn't.
2. Zoro isn't fighting Kaido alone. One thing I've noticed with this fandom is that Zoro must "earn" the right to do anything. Meanwhile, the scabbards, Kid, Killer and more who haven't 1/10th of Zoro's accomplishments get a free pass. Oda isn't going through his notes and saying "should Zoro help against Kaido? No, he hasn't proven he's commander level." Zoro fighting Kaido makes sense based on the narrative setup thus far, not fan qualifications.
Why Zoro constantly needs to prove himself while y'all have no problem putting the likes of Kid as Luffy equal despite his mediocre feats?
Muh potrayal.... same can be said with Zoro. Destined to be the WSS + fought Luffy equally in Whiskey Peak + evident parallels with Rayleigh + Emma + even more in your face parallels with Oden and Ryuma right now. Yet that isn't still enough...
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World's Strongest Swordsman
That is why Zoro needed Orlumbus' help to defeat Pica, he fainted against a nerfed supernova (the weakest), he had to receive an external PU to hone his CoA or Oda put emphasis in Drake and Zoro teaming up to defeat Apoo and in Zoro attacking Apoo right after Drake broke his guard:emohiyo:
-zoro used orlumbus to save ussop and co not beat pica
-zoro despite onimaru giving killer a free shot beat killer, killer who oda will let him fight kaido twice unlike sanjos fodder ass.
-he took a worse sword than the one he had that only becomes a better sword because of him. Explain what he can do now he couldnt before ?
- drake didnt break shit apoo was about to swing his arm and hit him zoro saved drake and beat apoo.
That is why Zoro needed Orlumbus' help to defeat Pica, he fainted against a nerfed supernova (the weakest), he had to receive an external PU to hone his CoA or Oda put emphasis in Drake and Zoro teaming up to defeat Apoo and in Zoro attacking Apoo right after Drake broke his guard:emohiyo:
Pica ran from Zoro, post the panel where it says Killer is weakest Supernova.(he fainted from being hungry). Apoo knocked out Luffy and he needed help to g4 to getvout of ulti grib. See i can say things without context too
Zoro isn't going to 1 vs 1 Kaido though, he will 1 vs 1 King.

Zoro will hurt Kaido, but that's because cutting stuff is the no.1 thing he's supposed to be good at.

End of Wano Zoro will be @ Katakuri level. The way Katakuri has top tier CoO while being overall top YC, Zoro's ability to cut through stuff will breach into the top tier realm by the end of Wano.