The scabbards will get a second wind, mark my words. They’re down but they’re not out, Kid mid-diffs Zoro at best, you’re not very bright to suggest he alone can bring down Kaido though, no one is killing Kaido by themselves, when I say Kid will kill him, I’m talking about delivering a final blow after he’s already greatly weakened or defeated by Luffy, it’s going to take a team effort to beat him but imo Kid or the Scabbards will put him out of his misery, or BB will come to collect his DF.
Ya’ll sleeping on Kid hard, Zoro is a good character but he’s trash compared to most supernova captains, he ain’t touching Kid.
They have much more importance than him this arc and I’d argue Kid has equal importance to Zoro in the story, he’s going to become the strongest in OP world next to Luffy at the end of the series.
Ya’ll sleeping on Kid hard, Zoro is a good character but he’s trash compared to most supernova captains, he ain’t touching Kid.
They have much more importance than him this arc and I’d argue Kid has equal importance to Zoro in the story, he’s going to become the strongest in OP world next to Luffy at the end of the series.

Nitoryu Zoro high diffs Kid