The order was Kidd, Apoo, Capone, Urouge:
- Urouge was shown right after Dressrosa with bandages which means that was a recent fight
- Capone joined BM Pirates a year before, to do that he had to marry Chiffon and have Pez with her which includes 9 months of pregnancy. So in total Capone joined AT LEAST a year before the events of WCI
- We don't know why Apoo went there, but he did
- Kidd was the first to come and doing the math it was for sure during the first year of time skip
So no, you're wrong
You really using Buggy's comedic example? How am I supposed to take you seriously?

Btw that's a win too, just accept that Zoro has not that level of charisma as of now.
'Heavily injured Kuma'?

dude made him say 'Uuhhg'
The next week in Sabaody he had to tag team PX4 along with all the crew using Ashura, don't even try this game
Zoro gave Fujitora a hard time cause of an expression? Not even of fear btw
Then Luffy must be admiral level after the fight with Doffy
What a joke
Queen shitted his pants? The same Queen that had him in the mouth and spitted him on the ground?
Apoo vs Zoro and Drake talks for itself, don't even need to answer you. Wapoo stalled them for 5-6 chapters when the whole stage was running behind him. The more you downplay him the more you make him look cool

Also no named attack? That was a ShiShi SonSon clear as the day, have some respect for yourself please.
Killer was fine you say, yeah for sure. If you pretend that he was not covered in bandages, didn't took a beating from Kaido until he couldn't move, had not his weapons, was living the same life of Zoro for even more time (presumed diarrhea included), ate a smile and lost all his friends then sure... he was fine
Call me when you'll start reading One Piece