Sanji who is already in the G3 range when he goes DJ
We just need to compare the damage output from Sanji's DJ to that of Luffy's Grizzly Magnum that was at full power where two enraged DJ hits make this impact on the wall made of solid steel
Grizzly Magnum slammed Caesar into the wall where the crack propogation that I have highlighted means it was not an immediate but a stepwise fracturing process of the wall. Even the sfx signifies a deepening crack growth, meaning it did take some time for Luffy to push thorugh this wall.
as seen here Caesar flew though an air chute, the wall was not even that thick and it would've been of a similar constitution to that of the wall Sanji kicked Vergo into.
Sanji with the impact of his DJ kicks never pushed Vergo into the wall like Luffy did Caesar, but it was just the momentum imparted onto Vergo that broke through the wall. That's the difference and scary implication for how powerful Sanji with Diable Jambe is which would make it into G3 level power
So you see how Vergo takes the G3 level of impact damage ON TOP OF the internal fire that Sanji produces in his victims, and he comes off looking just fine a chapter later, like nothing happened
Motherfucker, Vergo dusts off 2 enraged DJ hits while Luffy gets his head fractured from less
Fucking rubber boy gets his head smashed in and fractured from the hardness of Sanji's hit
then gets knocked out.
Sanji surpassed Katakuri :cheers::cheers::cheers: